Truffles peed on couch!

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when I was watching a movie and sitting on the couch holding Truffles (Buttercup was in her cage at the time) I guess I held her too long and she peed on my clothes and the couch too! silly girl. I put her back in the cage and my mom cleaned up the couch, the mess was not too bad so she was not that upset. Anyway, I think next time I will keep a thick towel under them when I hold either one.
;D ;D ;D ;D
sorry for laughing but i've had it happen so often sometimes they miss the towel too ::) ;D ;D ;D
Watch her carefully next time and see if she gives you a hint of her wanting to get down to do a pee O0 i find our little guy gets very fidgety and then backs backward and ta da ;D ;D
Glad your mum didn't mind cleaning up O0
I was expecting her to be really mad so I was relieved she wasn;t too angry. But I better not have this happen again or I might not be able to hold either of them on the couch. ack! :o
I agree with Glynis once you get used to your piggies ways you will probably be able to tell. Like Glynis says they get fidgetey then it happens. Some people say that they start nibbling you as if to say 'Come on put me back I need a wee'.

Pleased your Mum was ok. :smitten:
;D You are not the only one who got pee'd on during a piggy cuddle. I reckon, it would have happened to anybody in this forum at some stage in their lives with their little piggies.
Next time just remember to get that towel under the piggy and the "mess" should be in that and not the clothes or the couch!
Good luck!
we have a piggy called jessie that gives no warning what so ever she wants to go :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: the only warning you get is a warm feeling and by then it is too late >:( >:( >:( and yet you look into her eyes and they are the picture of innocence :o :o :o hoping your piggy gives you signs of warning next time. zoe gets niggly and wiggles and whinges to go back. so glad your mum wasn't too angry. sending hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Yeah, next time for both of them I will have a towel under them. As for warnings, I don;t know i was watching the movie and then felt a wetness and looked down as she was already peeing! ::) Next times, I will try to pay more attention to "warnings". :) ::) and have that towel handy!
both my guinea pigs tug on my clothes when they need to poop or pee, I take the tug on clothes sign and put them back O0
One of my girls pees on me regularly. I think it's her revenge as she hates being picked up but absolutely loves being brushed. :) I now put a towel on an old pillow as I'm not willing to change my clothes every time I pick her up!
Mine squeek when they need to pee so I get to know when they need to go. :)
my two do this as well I put down a couple of old baby towels down on our couch & by the time they've finished playing its like poop city. luckily my couch is leather so if they miss the towels its easy to wipe up.They love climbing up my arm & sitting on my shoulders like parrots wheeking loudly in my ears.When they get bored they slide down my arm & start searching for any food iv put down for them.
i went over my friends the other day and when she was holding her piggies it peed on was sooooo funny
My husband's nephew was holding my boar on Wednesday night and I gave him a towel for his lap and explained he had to keep the piggy on the towel in case he wees, I even went through the warning system - one wheek and three steps backwards! Ooooops! he got wet trouser leg!
;D ;D ;D I guess he didn't realise the "warning system" or he just wasn't fast enough. ;D
Mine have a towel underneath but they are canny little things and deliberately turn around and away from the towel and "voila" there you have it.... :o
Yeah, they do that little butt back up wiggle right off the towel and then pee. LOL Just be sure to clean it up well. Try to keep them on the middle of the towel.

Maybe my boys are just lazy! When they come up for cuddles they have no problems just peeing - with no warning whatsoever! :o

If they come under my blanket, when I'm lying on the sofa, then once they are in a fairly deep sleep even a blanket or towel won't protect me! ;D ;D

I've just accepted that if I want these wonderful long snugs & a sleeping pig on my belly, then its probable that there will be showers! I decided nine years ago (when I got my first pig) to always have a good supply of clean clothes in case of emergencies - after all, the pigs are going no where! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
I had dixie out a few nights ago and went to my lounge with her, on the chair was a plastic carrier bag for some reason dixie went wandering and parked her booty on the bag and wee'd! lol and none went on the chair luckily! :D
i have a set of towels in the house just for the animals! I put a towel down when the piggies are out and the amount of poops they do is amazing! :)
Our little Wendy pee'd on a guest!
Talk about embarrasing! bless her! she gives no warning but Alice gets fidgety and lets us know at least. I must admit we do have some incontinence sheets that we use if having pig cuddle whilst watching tv! ;D
well I forgot the towel and was holding my piggies Buttercup and Truffles and they both peed on me! silly (and naughty) girls! I said to my mom that "oh Buttercup won;t pee on me it is Truffles that does that, "well I should have swallowed my words cuz soon after I had wet clothes from Buttercup peeing on me! >:D I don;t think my girls do the backward scuffle they just pee without warning. ::) ::)
Ours usually get fidgety too so we know to put them down, but my little guy always wees on my mum when she visits without any warning but when you've had kids and potty trained them a little piggy wee is nothing by comparison.
Mine havn't wee'd on me yet this year. Fingers crossed. It may have something to do with the fact that they have free run of the house so they hate o be sat still on my lap when they could be running around, especially if the other one is. Only chance I get to stroke them is when feeding them. Then there squirm until I put them down, and off they trot for a nap under the kitchen table. Its a hard life
Well, I used to have it all worked out - and we all knew when it was time to go back in the cage for a wee. But then I went on holiday and they went to gran/grandpa' the system doesn't work and I keep getting wee'd on again! So its back to wee training school for all 3 of us! ;D
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