Troublesome twos?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 17, 2011
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Hi I have 3 guineas, My youngest two Sienna and Lola are 5 months and they seem to be going through the troublesome two phase, I was wondering if this is the case and can Guineas actually go through the troublesome twos? My eldest Holly who is 4 years is a lot more relaxed but Sienna and Lola are so hyper all the time and just don't sit still for a cuddle they want to be off exploring! I was wondering if there's any techniques that can calm them down even just for 5 minutes? I do love them and they make me laugh but I would like a cuddle every now and again! :p
This is going to be confusing, we practically have the same forum name! :))
Haha so we do! and it looks like you have 3 guineas just like me too! ;)

Indeed I do! I was really confused at first when I saw a new post with what I thought was me :)) then I realised there wasn't a space between the words guinea and pig :))
I am surprised admin allowed the same name to be used, albeit there is no gap :(|) Maybe you could message them & ask them for a slight name change? It will be very confusing for those of us of more advanced years lol!

Anyway to get back to your question, I have 2 six month old piggies (& another older one so I also could claim the 3 piggies name - now that would be confusing! lol) & I find if you handle them after their meal times when they have full little tummies they are generally much more settled & calmer.

Now I'm off for a lie down after seeing double! :))
I don't have set meal times, should i change this? I just tend to feed them pepper etc during the day :S
Well unless you want them wheeking constantly for food, I would try to feed them their veggies once in the morning then once in the evening, for example this is my rota;

9am replenish hay, throw out old hay, put fresh in, change litter trays, poop sweep (mine are indoor on fleece)

Whilst they eat their hay (80 % of their diet should be good quality hay available at all times, discard soiled hay as soon as possible) I wash all their food bowls, then give them morning veggies.

I then give them their pellets/dry food after they've eaten their veggies or most of them, as I go to work for 12 that keeps them busy til I get back lol ;)

At 5pm I top their hay up, remove soiled hay, change litter trays & poop sweep again. After that I give them their veggies then about 7ish I give them some more pellets/dry food, & then before bed sometimes they get a handful or Readigrass or forage like Burgess Dandelion & Marigold which they nibble on in the night. They always eat all their pellets as I don't give them huge bowlfuls, I give them mainly hay which is essential for their well being, especially their teeth.

I find after their morning veggies they enjoy cuddles more as they are sleepy again by then ;)
maybe if your name was <3 Guinea Pigs it might be easier and less confusing and then its the same name but the heart at the front :-) or guinea <3 pigs

I will look into this name thing :), As for the food thanks for all the great tips,I shall start trying this new schedule for them and hopefully get some cuddles :) and then maybe Lola will loose a bit of weight too as the vet said she was verging on obese :0 Thanks again!
Very appropriate thread title for the whole name situation ;)
Just kidding :))
I hope your girls calm down enough for cuddles!
:)) hopefully people recognise my piggies by now that it wont be too confusing for us both! Would love to see some pics of your piggies!
Hahaa yes it is an appropriate title isn't it! And Guinea Pigs<3 I have put one up of Lola (my most hyper pig) doing what she enjoys most, watching me on the laptop! I couldn't get one to fit of all three of them :0
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