Trouble in Paradise...

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Oct 5, 2009
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Dundee, home is in Dalkeith- Edinburgh
Yup...Hamish and Robin seem to be having a lover's tiff :(

Last night in the run I have to seperate two fights. After removing the food things calmed down a little. In the cage I had everything spread around and Robin was at one end munching. As soon as he saw Hamish he started teeth chattering (quite loud I would say!) before bolting into his hidey hole the moment Hamish got too close.
I don't even see any signals that Hamish is giving off to annoy him! He's just being his usual curious wee self, making little noises that I was told were inquisitive noises. He tried running into the same hidey today to get away from me when I went close to the cage and Robin basically threw him out!

I hope this won't last...because even if they're not fighting IN the cage, I don't want them to be so distant with one another 8...
Whispering it'll be ok, Fred and Marvin do it all the time, Like Wiebke told me they are just sorting out the paragraphs of there friendship! Fred Chatters all the time and Marvin Squeaks I'm sure your boys will be fine :)), Aslong as they aren't fighting you have nothing to worry about. Robin is probably just putting Hamish in his place reminding him he is the Alpha Male afterall!

Fred Chatters all the time too, but if it's agressive chattering there is no mistaken it..... Boys, Boys and more boys :)p!
I'm sure you're right, it's jsut a little sad after everything went so well to start with! Gosh I knew this would happen >.<
See they DID fight when in the run - a proper lunge and Hamish had a chunk of fur from Robin in his mouth and viceversa.
Sicne being in the cage I haven't witnessed anymore fighting behaviour, but their moods have changed - at least Robin's has!

But yeh probably right...Robin might just be getting fed up with Hamish being a young whipper snapper {:|
I've heard about them doing that, but not seen it, I'm sure all is fine aslong as they don't draw blood... I'm sure Wiebke or someone will be able to fill us in :))... Were are they when we need advice :)p. I'm sure it's fine! Mine aren't particually close either... not atall lol. We could pair all the trouble makers together lol! :)p
I don't trust things so much at the moment. It got pretty heated in the run today nearer the end. And after putting them back there has been a lot of teeth chattering.
There was rumbling, swaggering and they both yawned at each other before I decided to intergrate and clap my hands.

At the moment they're munching but I really don't want it to start over again and get serious. This is the most tense it's been since I got them together.

I mean things seem calm right now...but it's almost like the calm before the storm. I just need some reasurance that they won't kill each other when my back is turned! :...
With my boys the dislike was instant. Mimsi attacked Montgomery like a thing posessed. I did try bonding them again, doing all the usual neutral territory but the instant Mimsi saw Montgomery he flew at him. They were rolling around on the floor in one giant furball! If the boys are tolerating each other generally then they are probably just competing for top male with their rumbling and strutting. Maybe neither boy is backing down at the moment on dominance and thats why they are still chattering.. Come on Hamish and Robin. Play nicely for your worried mummy!
Well on that thought I should be thankful they are tollerant - it mainly seems to happen in the run but when I saw it in the cage afterwards that's what worried me.
I think that's the problem, neither wants to back down and maybe docile Robin's had enough of Hamish' attitude.
Yes please be nice and cool it, I want a stress free night of halloween fun! :0
Could it be in the cage they know were each other stands but the run is open play so to speak? They are going for dominance I know Mine had a few squabbles... but all seem well and truly asserted! Robin and Hamish should play nice shortly, they must be sorting though the small print! :)p

Boys play nice!
If they have a good size cage I'd suggest not putting them in the run for a few days until things calm down again. When you take them to the run and back to the cage and vice versa it may be sparking off territorial issues. Also try not to watch expecting fighting as they do pick up on our anxious states.

Boys can often get a bit more wound up with each other so can expect they may have times when they just can't be bothered with each other and will do a little rumbling, chattering etc. It's nothing to worry about and unless they start fighting to draw blood this is all normal behaviour.
Your boys are probably simply working through the dominance issues.

Do not move them around often and leave them to sort it out, unless you have serious bloody fights on your hands. After the initial settlement it takes at least two weeks to sort out the shape their relationship is going to take - i.e. how far the top pig is allowed to push the underpig and at which point the underpig will draw a line.
Thank you guys for your great advice - I will stop panicing when I see them rounding each other off and just let them get it out of their system - unless things get seriously nasty of course!

Last night all was fine in the run - we had no problems at all! Just the odd chattering and rumbling but I'm used to them doing this now. Robin I assume is certainly the under pig as Hamish pushes him about. Maybe that's why he's starting to stand his ground more against him, the bullying has gotten to that line and Hamish has crossed it!

Cheeky piggeh...pity he's just so damned cute :))
hehe, glad they are behaving can't believe Hamish is the Alpha male! He certainly is a wee cheeky chops! :))...
They both have scabs on them now -_-;

Hamish has one behind his ear (which I thought may be due to him accidently catching himself when scratching) and Robin has one on his rump.

After putting them back in the cage last night, not leaving them for more than ten minutes, came back and Hamish had a notch in his nose which looks scabby now.

This is clearly their bickering - but should I be worried? Or is it normal for scratches and scathing to occur?

At this moment in time they're munching happily in their run! I know they'll be bickering forever, but I just don't understand how it's now gotten to the 'scab' level @)
Is it Scabs as in bites? Or could it be mites, are they def biting one another or scratching?
Aslong as it's not painful bleeding wounds should be fine I think... I can't believe the boys got on so well and now this! Nightmare 8...

Hugs for you and your boys I hope they sort it out soon and give you some much needed peace!
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