Trio boars neutering


New Born Pup
Nov 12, 2020
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Hi all, I dont know if I'm in the right place but heres hoping...
I have three intact brother Boars aged 1and half years old all residing together, so far absolutely no problems but....As was noted three intact boars together is unusual.So here is my question...
Would I be better getting all three Boars neutered just in case or, would that make absolutely no difference at all to them! If they already like each other anyway.Or am I risking this bond by not having them nuetered.?
Absolutely any advice welcomed. Thanx guys


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Neutering then will not make any difference - it doesn’t change their behaviour. All it does is prevent pregnancy and given there isn’t a risk of that, there isn’t a ‘need’ to neuter them.
the only benefit would be that their bond does fail at any point, then they would be ready to be rebonded with a female each
How long have you had them and were they bonded before you got them? Where did you get them from? How big is their cage? Sorry for all the questions!
How long have you had them and were they bonded before you got them? Where did you get them from? How big is their cage? Sorry for all the questions!
Hi they're in a 6ft by 4ft run, with outside freeroaming time with plenty interaction with myself.
They were surrendered by a couple who were heartbroken to let them go but circumstances made it impossible to keep them so took them 2months ago.They are brothers who have been together since birth x
They were very well looked after before and clean and healthy. They have no scraps at all they play chase popcorn about and are a very happy little trio.
Being brothers doesn't mean anything but it seems you're one of the lucky few to have a functioning boar trio! I take it they're indoors and get free roaming time around the house?
Yes theyre indoor piggies and freeroam in my room x not all around the house though as I have a completely freeroaming rabbit and also a dog x so for their protection they're only free to roam in my room x
Do ensure the rabbit can never get to them and that always handle the piggies before touching the rabbit.
Rabbits can carry diseases which are harmless to them but can be fatal to piggies. I have two piggies and three rabbits and am very careful to never share any equipment etc between them.

hopefully your boys will continue to be fine together - particularly as they have come through their teens and managed to still stay together
Do ensure the rabbit can never get to them and that always handle the piggies before touching the rabbit.
Rabbits can carry diseases which are harmless to them but can be fatal to piggies. I have two piggies and three rabbits and am very careful to never share any equipment etc between them.

hopefully your boys will continue to be fine together - particularly as they have come through their teens and managed to still stay together
Yes I always keep them separate. Also totally understand the cross diseases between the two . Thankyou for your advice x
i neuter all my boars as i cannot risk any mistakes as i have a few neutered boars with females.only one neutered boar with any number of sows !As mentioned above neutering does not change a boars behaviour.but neutering will give you more options for bonding with male or female if and when any of your boars pass away.i have had a trio of boars, worked well as they were all very laid back piggies.i do have 17 piggies at present.a pet sitter placed a boar in the wrong hutch, boar not neutered and had 10 tense weeks waiting to ensure sows were not ive learned my lesson and get all my boars neuiered so no risk of any pregnancies.