Tried It All To Pick Her Up!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 3, 2016
Reaction score
Cheshire uk
Sorry to post but wondered if anyone has the same issue and what they did. My scared piggie will not let me pick her up unless I just go for it and corner her and grab which I really hate to do. I have tried blocking off the ramp...offering cosies. but she just will not go in any even with food in them. I can feed her in the hutch just about but I want her to get used to being handled like the other one who is fine...we just get to the stage she chatters and I give up...Shall I just keep feeding her in the hutch for now?
How long have you had her?
It does take some guinea pigs a while to settle and feel confident.
Is this her first home? Maybe she had a bad experience before coming to you.The fact that she lets you feed her is great.
I would definitely work on that.
It did take ours a while, and we started by feeding them constantly (every time we passed the cage) and then slowly herding them into a tunnel to get them out.
These days they rush up to the front.
It sounds like you are doing everything right, so just keep on trying and she will come around eventually.
as long as you aren't chasing her around the cage before you 'grab' her, it should be ok. Once she is cornered, if you go to it with confidence, isn't it then a case of just lifting her out? What point does she start chattering at you?

My mike needs to be blocked into a pick up corner but once i have him in the right section, i just reach in and lift. Once their feet are off the ground, you've got them. A hand scoop under the belly is an effective way of literally scooping them off their feet.

You might want to have a look see if you can organise your hutch so it's easier to catch this little one.
as long as you aren't chasing her around the cage before you 'grab' her, it should be ok. Once she is cornered, if you go to it with confidence, isn't it then a case of just lifting her out? What point does she start chattering at you?

My mike needs to be blocked into a pick up corner but once i have him in the right section, i just reach in and lift. Once their feet are off the ground, you've got them. A hand scoop under the belly is an effective way of literally scooping them off their feet.

You might want to have a look see if you can organise your hutch so it's easier to catch this little one.
Well today I didn't want to grab her so having blocked off the new ramp tunnel so I thought and trying to coax her into the cosy she was backed into the corner and started chattering. Then she scarpered quick and pushed herself squeezing past the block and into the tunnel on the ramp. Then I new she wouldn't come out so I waited and waited with veg and she popped her nose out just enough to eat but not be picked up. To be honest I find I grab from above with right hand and left straight under bum n back legs as tried to put hand under like shown in videos and she has jumped even though her feet were off the floor which scared me to death. Maybe I'm doing wrong ..she is only about 13 weeks old. But I'm desperate to tame her. The lady I use for holiday care just grabs her quick and done sometimes she chatters n sometimes not. But I was trying to take it gently. ..not sure which way to go cos getting her trust seems best but I'm not picking her up to check her or brush her. It's worrying me
How long have you had her?
It does take some guinea pigs a while to settle and feel confident.
Is this her first home? Maybe she had a bad experience before coming to you.The fact that she lets you feed her is great.
I would definitely work on that.
It did take ours a while, and we started by feeding them constantly (every time we passed the cage) and then slowly herding them into a tunnel to get them out.
These days they rush up to the front.
It sounds like you are doing everything right, so just keep on trying and she will come around eventually.
Had her just over a month now..nearly 6weeks and she was 7 weeks old when I got her from a garden centre with the other one. To be honest she seems worse now than she was then but maybe that was because the lady I got them from was very confident with them both. Having gone back with them as she helped me to cut their fur round their bums she just grabs them and holds them close... am I just scared and taking it too slow?? I don't want to scar her for life n she never bonds with me
Hmmm. it'll be interesting to see what other replies you get as my experience is nowhere near as wide as some folks on here.

I think I'd be tempted to go for the no nonsense corner and scoop technique and then spend the time gaining her trust on my lap.

BUT I'm sure others have much better experience of your exact situation and they will know for certain what to do.
Had her just over a month now..nearly 6weeks and she was 7 weeks old when I got her from a garden centre with the other one. To be honest she seems worse now than she was then but maybe that was because the lady I got them from was very confident with them both. Having gone back with them as she helped me to cut their fur round their bums she just grabs them and holds them close... am I just scared and taking it too slow? I don't want to scar her for life n she never bonds with me

That is still early days to build up trust and develop rituals/train her to come into a conveyance because it is less stressful. Most piggies never like the picking up part, as it cuts a bit too close to their instincts. Your girl is still running on prey animal instincts.
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
Ah! Cheers, wiebke! I'm glad you were able to come along and put us right on this. Thanks!
Thanks @Wiebke. I know she is still very young. I will try my best . Sometimes it stresses her out me being hands on in the hutch and the new ramp cover isn't helping as she knows where to hide
We have all been there I promise.

Have a look at this video
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