Tribute to my derek

amber horner

Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 7, 2016
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It's been a week since I lost my derek and the pain is still raw. I got this canvas made of my favourite picture of him made as my little tribute to my boy. Still miss him so much x


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That is a lovely tribute to him. Grief takes as long as it takes, it's early days yet. I hope your thoughts of Derek turn to happy times soon and you can remember him with a smile. Sending you Hugs.
I'm glad it made you smile. I lost a piggy in January, he was a funny in your face type character and we laugh now remembering what he got up to. Every now and again I still shed tears for him when something catches me out when I'm not expecting it. We all understand and are here for you. Xx
What a lovely picture to have in Derek’s memory.
A week is no time at all in terms of grieving- it takes its own time to work out and is different for every person and every loss.
Be patient with yourself and keep on posting here.
Talking is important and here we do understand the pain that losing a piggy causes us.
Thank you it's nice to know there is place where people understand how I'm feeling thank you so much , still haven't brought myself to take his pigaloo out or wash his blanket yet x
Thank you he truly was an amazing piggy, so chilled out, in no hurry to do anything just loved cuddles and carrot we would spend hours just sat on the sofa with his blanket just doing nothing x
Massive hugs to you, it is early days yet and still so raw... I am sorry, he will always be with you in your heart x