Trial Separation

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New Born Pup
Mar 7, 2015
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I have three one year old guinea pigs that have lived together happily since bringing them all home together. Spikey, Mr Rodgers and Anonymous ( couldn't decide on a perfect name) somehow this stuck. Mr Rodgers has always been the most amorous/dominant boar. Spikey and Anonymous have coped with this with no teeth chattering or heads off. Things seemed to have changed over the past week. Spikey, who has always been the most timid but the largest has decided its his turn to be dominant. I am concerned as we have had a lot of loud teeth chattering, raising of heads, bumblings noises and lunging at each other whilst trying to nip. All three have spent the day in the outdoor run and behaviour improved but not perfect. As soon as they returned to the hutch the teeth chattering started. I have now decided to separate Spikey and Mr Rodgers so they don't cause any harm to each other after witnessing two furballs scrabbling for each other and Spikey holding onto Mr Rodgers fur with his teeth whilst Mr Rodger tried to remain hanging onto the ladder. So far we've been very lucky and no blood drawn but I feel very nervous as feel it could get serious. The last thing I want to do is separate them but if it makes them happier and safer I would feel I was doing the right thing. Any advice welcome as I'm pulling my hair out ( for want of a better phrase) with worry. Thanks
Hi @squeaksqueak, welcome to the forum! Unfortunately its very rare for a trio of boads to get along. At one year of age they are still within their most hormonal time of their lives and this is when a lot of upsets can happen in groups. Are a pair still together with just one separated, or are all three separated? Often you can find that a pair if them still get along and they were bullying one in the group.
Hello Piggly thank you for your reply. I have kept Mr Rodgers and Anonymous together but locked a door between Spikey and the pair. Spikey can still see through to the others. I haven't yet witnessed how he deals with viewing them through mesh because the pair have been sleeping upstairs where Spikey cannot see.
Mr Rodgers has always been the over powering one but never a fighter, just amorous. The boar he is with (Anonymous) is half their size and has a head wobble after falling ill last year but he thankfully slips through the net and neither have been agressive towards him just over friendly.
I have noticed that during this lunging, squabbling and nipping time, Spikey who is now on the other side, changed towards Anonymous and has been very persistent and amorous towards him. Very out of character for Spikey.
Heres a useful thread to keep an eye on and understand the interactions between mr rodgers and anonymous:

I think spikey has reached the point of no return! Putting them back together is highly likely to be very explosive and coukd result in injuries. They can still upset one another through the bars so I would recommend keeping spikey completely separated so the other two can live in a more stable environment. It isn't ideal for spikey to live alone however, so you may now have to consider finding a new friend for him! The best way to do this is to organise a 'boar date' for him at a local rescue where he can be personality matched with a compatible boar.

How big is the hutch?
Thank you Piggly for your help. You have answered a few of my concerns. I have often wondered how a pig feels watching others through a mesh but not being able to be with them.
The link is full of useful info and after a sleepless night with worry I feel reassured that I've done the right thing.
Glad I was able to help a bit! It depends on piggies situations whether its possible to let them chatter through the bars, but if one is a pair of boars that can see and communicate with another single or pair of boars it could easily upset their stable bond. You definitely sound like you have done the right thing. Your next concern is what to do for spikey! What size is the hutch?
The area Spikey is in is an open area 102 x 54. I have placed in a warm tent shaped bed so he can cosy up and hide if need be plus his water/ food etc.
The pair are in the other half which measures 102 x 52 but also has a ladder to upstairs which measures 98 x 51
Ok. 102 is quite small, they will need a minimum of 120 to have enough space. Spikey will do ok in 102 by himself for now but if he gets a new friend he will need the same minimum space as well. Boars are particularly viable to scrapping in smaller spaces as well, so to make sure the pair are more likely to keep their bond you ideally need two of everything (water bottles, food bowls, hideys) and enough floor space (min 120cm).
Funny you should mention doubling up on bowls. Whilst Spikey and Mr Rodgers weren't getting on I tried feeding in different areas and popped in two bowls. I will grab a bottle of water for each and place in different areas also and look at their extending their cage. We do quite often add onto the cage to give more room but I can see that there are still areas that create a tight turnaround for more than one piggy.
When we sort their cage to a larger floor space, would you ever consider re introducing Spikey back in? My mind says not to, my heart feels sorry for them all and how its turned out and my stress levels are sky high with worry lol ...
If they don't have to shove one another out the way for one food bowl it reduces the chance for squabbles :)

No, best for spikey not to be reintroduced - boar trios are very unstable and as you have found almost never work out. He will do fine if he is bonded with a new compatible friend.

Would love to see photos of them if you have any :D
You can tell I'm not used to what I'm doing lol I'll keep trying. I'm guessing I upload a file and pop in file number on photo.
Hi Piggly, well that's been fun. I think an upside down photo has been attached lol
[QUOTEYDavey-cavy, post: 1707517, member: 116430"]You sure can. I've fixed it now:-)[/QUOTE]
Thank You. That's fab. Mr Rodgers is on the left, Spikey in the middle and then Anonymous. Such a shame there will be no photos like this anymore unless there's a mesh between them. I'm sure I'll get lots of other photos though, trying to look on the bright side. Who'd have ever thought these bundles of fur could be as cheeky as they are ha ha
Love them! Don't stress too much - sometimes their living arrangements just have to change. They will adjust just fine, and hopefully cause you less problems and live happily :D
Love them! Don't stress too much - sometimes their living arrangements just have to change. They will adjust just fine, and hopefully cause you less problems and live happily :D
Thank You so much for your help
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