Trembling shaking piggie ... Help

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 20, 2011
Reaction score
I have 2 pairs boars (not together) , 1 pair are 5 1/2 years the other pair are 6 months . 2 days ago I moved the younger pair to the " downstairs " part of a very large hutch( being used inside) by my 2 older boars that live in the upstairs part. Just now one of my older boys was seen shaking by my son who brought him to me . The wee piggie continued to tremble quite badly (but not violently) and his wee body seemed to wretch and his eyes narrowed as he was doing this . Once bad shaking stopped he calmed a little and he started chattering teeth ( i know that means not happy ,never done that before ) . I have put the younger piggies back in to their separate cage again and warmed up the room he is in . Is he scared ? Or is this a sign of illness ? Vet tomorrow if still acting strangely . Any advice gladly received . Thanks sorry this is long !
If the episode is a one off and he returned to normal very quickly I would say that he had something stuck in his airway and he was clearing it - it's not easy for pigs as they cannot vomit so they do what are known as heaving hiccups. If the obstruction is higher up the airway they make a funny little coughing noise.

However if there is a repeat I would advise a trip to the vet (a cavy savvy one) as these can also be signs of discomfort to moderate pain.

Juddering/trembling, strong tensing of the body, teeth chattering. the check up please get your vet to check teeth, lungs, gut motility (bloat), penile occlusion due to sperm plug, anal impaction, bladder pain. A cavy savvy vet should check all these without prompting.

Is he weeing and pooing normally and without pain or noise, eating normally?


Suzy x
Thanks so much .... He seems back to normal this morning . Still munching away greedily like normal and pooping etc . I'm hoping it was a one off . Still wondering if it was to do with being near the wee guineas ! Thanks
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