Junior Guinea Pig
I have 2 pairs boars (not together) , 1 pair are 5 1/2 years the other pair are 6 months . 2 days ago I moved the younger pair to the " downstairs " part of a very large hutch( being used inside) by my 2 older boars that live in the upstairs part. Just now one of my older boys was seen shaking by my son who brought him to me . The wee piggie continued to tremble quite badly (but not violently) and his wee body seemed to wretch and his eyes narrowed as he was doing this . Once bad shaking stopped he calmed a little and he started chattering teeth ( i know that means not happy ,never done that before ) . I have put the younger piggies back in to their separate cage again and warmed up the room he is in . Is he scared ? Or is this a sign of illness ? Vet tomorrow if still acting strangely . Any advice gladly received . Thanks sorry this is long !