Treacle And Cinnamon Join The Family


Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 11, 2016
Reaction score
West midlands
Not the best pictures as they've had quite a day and are a little frightened as you can expect (still recovering from my mothers driving myself!) :lol!:

While I had planned on a couple of additions to my group of ladies, I hadn't expected it to be so soon, but there you go, sometimes you can't just walk away from piggy faces! :wub: (their little bums are resting on my leg, I'm not dangling them although it looks like it for some reason..) but here are my beautiful little ladies, I say little, they're about a year or so old so actually rather big!

Congratulations on your beautiful new additions to your piggy family. What lucky piggys they are to come and live with you.
Aww. How exciting for you and how lovely for them. How many do you have now?

Thanks all! That makes 9 now..:whistle:

Poor Cinnamon seems to be missing home, just had to go up and comfort her after hearing her wheeking the room down. She had babies 8 weeks ago apparently so I'm wondering if this is the first time shes separated from them..not sure. Poor sausage is rather spooked anyway. Hopefully by tomorrow she will have calmed down!
Yes, tense is the word haha I'm sat here thinking 'Are you scared...or sick!?' What with my luck, but they've demolished the carrot I put in there anyway and the wheeking has stopped. I am hoping Shelly will take them both under her wing when their new pen gets here in just over a week. Time, friends and food..never fails haha
She is rather wonderful. She is similar to my second ever guinea pig, Whiskey. She was very mellow and sweet. Hope Cinnamon settles in well and that they both bond happily with the rest of your herd.
Aw what a lovely name! She looks almost identical to one we used to have called Rolo too, which is mainly why I couldnt walk away lol Thankyou, fingers crossed :)
Absolute little stunners they are, congratulations!
Not the best pictures as they've had quite a day and are a little frightened as you can expect (still recovering from my mothers driving myself!) :lol!:

While I had planned on a couple of additions to my group of ladies, I hadn't expected it to be so soon, but there you go, sometimes you can't just walk away from piggy faces! :wub: (their little bums are resting on my leg, I'm not dangling them although it looks like it for some reason..) but here are my beautiful little ladies, I say little, they're about a year or so old so actually rather big!

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Lovely girls!
Great having new piggies joining the group!
Hope your Mum doesn’t read the comment about her driving! Lol
2 lovely girls, I’m sure they’ll soon settle into their wonderful new home and make new friends :love: x
We've had morning cuddles and done nails, they seem to be settling in quite well, a bit of teeth chattering between them but I expect it's the new surroundings. I'm already so in love with their sweet little faces, especially Treacle's huge eyes!

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Awww bless :drool:

Congratulations! Hope to see lots more of them! x