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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 14, 2014
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Hi guys,

I wasn't sure where to post this, just looking for a bit of advice. Going to visit the inlaws tomorrow for 4 days, and of course I'm taking the girls, just wondered if anyone had any travelling advice?
Also, unfortunately I'm going to have to put them back in their smaller cage as it's all that will fit in my car :( will they be okay being in a smaller cage for a bit?
Best to put them either in a cat carrier or small box with puppy pad in bottom & lots of hay to cover them. They feel much more secure under hay while travelling. Safest place is on the floor in the passenger foot space or on floor behind seats. Depending on how far you're travelling, put them some cucumber in because if you try bottles of water they will just leak with motion of the car..
Oh wow! That's such a brilliant idea with the cucumber! I was worried about the water situation! The plan was to have them belted in the back seat (in their box, of course! Ha.) with my other half next to them, to make sure they don't rock around too much :)
Just a little tip. Prepare the cucumber and put some in a container . when we took Edward to be 'done' the vet was quite far away so I put him some cucumber in.He had eaten it all before we got to the car! :D
Haha! I'll definitely be doing that :) thank you both for your replies! Do guinea pigs tend to travel okay? I used to have a hamster that used to hate the journey, really shook her up, hope the girls aren't the same :(
All mine have traveled well. Although they were quite short journeys. Edwards was the longest at about one and a half hours.
This is about two and a half... My other half will be constantly checking on them and I usually stop half way because I can't drive that far in one go.
The girls travelled perfectly well, both were quite happy snuggled up in their hay. I'm really hating them being in such a small cage :( I really don't understand why it's even legal for guinea pigs to be kept in such small places.
The girls travelled perfectly well, both were quite happy snuggled up in their hay. I'm really hating them being in such a small cage :( I really don't understand why it's even legal for guinea pigs to be kept in such small places.
I am glad the journey went well. I agree.
That's so good that all went well for you with traveling piggies, we have just travelled 6 hours to our friends for Christmas and I kept our 4 girls in our large indoor rabbit type cage for traveling in and they were all fine, even wheeking along the way whenever they heard my voice, we stopped a few times for food,fuel and toilet so checked on them then and gave them lettuce and cucumber they have settled fine this end and I'm glad they did because we are moving back to the UK next year and want to bring them back with us. :D
That's so good that all went well for you with traveling piggies, we have just travelled 6 hours to our friends for Christmas and I kept our 4 girls in our large indoor rabbit type cage for traveling in and they were all fine, even wheeking along the way whenever they heard my voice, we stopped a few times for food,fuel and toilet so checked on them then and gave them lettuce and cucumber they have settled fine this end and I'm glad they did because we are moving back to the UK next year and want to bring them back with us. :D

Awww, I'm so glad they travelled well! 6 hours is such a long time to drive, I can't really complain about mine now! :xd:

We're travelling back today, got them a new carry case so they should be fine :)
When I first got my boys from the rescue, which was almost 2 hours away - I was worried about the long drive home with them, but even though they didn't know me quite happily slept and ate, and seemed very chilled together in a small cat carrier in a bed of hay - I think if they are traveling in pairs or more they probably calm each other down too - and we were recommended by the rescue to pop the cucumber in and that went down a treat!
I picked up my 3 from Bunny Hops boarding today, about 2 hours away. Primrose hid herself under the hay whilst both Peter and Pansy had a little snooze.
Aww, well we've just got home! The pure excitement they had when they went back in their cage! Hazel just started running laps and wheeking! They've both just flopped on the floor now munching on some hay :) thank you everyone for the help, think I just got a bit worried because I used to have a hamster that really didn't cope well when we travelled!
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