Travelling with piggies


New Born Pup
Aug 11, 2023
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Hi, just looking for some advice. I’m going to be travelling in the car with my 2 pigs. Both girls. The journey will be around 1 hr 30/45 mins. I was planning on getting 2 separate carriers to allow them to have enough space but if I do this will they be alright when I put them back together again or is there a chance they may fight? This is the first time I’ve ever taken them in the car so any advice would be very helpful :)
They should remain together in the same carrier, and in fact should remain together at all times. You don’t want to separate bonded piggies for any reason as doing so causes them stress, and travelling can be stressful for them enough as it is.

The guide below has further travel tips

Travelling with guinea pigs
I travel with my guinea pigs,use same carrier for each individual group.guinea pigs travel well.i usually place some cucumber and lettuce leaves into the carrier,so that keeps them hydrated.
Good luck with your travels.
I always keep mine together in the carrier with hay cookies and cucumber 🥒. They seem happy as they don't always want to come out when we get home!
Mine travel well on a journey of 2.5 hours.
Their carrier is stuffed with hay and some veggies and sits in the passenger footwell to protect them.
When I’ve had a longer journey we stop for snack more often.
I chat to them on the journey, telling them which road we’re on and anything interesting we see.
Not that they really care but ……