Travelling with 4 guineas


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 30, 2018
Reaction score
Hi all!
I usually travel with guinea pigs in pairs. So 2 in each carrier. They seem fine with it but always wondered whether I should be separating them. Especially as I think the 2 youngest ones dont like eachother much (kind of just tolerate eachother). 15355462375066443281153620742621.webpSo I'm looking at another carrier (both are from pets at home) to keep all 4 together. Any thoughts?
I take my three together in a large cat carrier, but I think if I had four I would pair them. If Chewie is in season it can get a bit fractious!
Could you change up the pairs if the young ones aren’t comfortable together in the carrier?
I’ve had 3 in one carrier but when I had four, I pairs them up. The carrier on the right hand side really is two small for two piggies, you’d be better off buying another one like the carrier on the left. OR if you wanted to travel with all four together, how about a small cage? I use a cage now and they have more room to move around
Thank you for the replies!
I always thought too much space might be a problem as they might get thrown around whilst driving but sounds good might just get another big one and separate them. The 2 older ones seem to love eachothers company so never tried splitting them and pairing them with a younger one