Travel to bond...?

Chris P

New Born Pup
Jun 20, 2014
Reaction score
Our (neutered) older boar (5 years-ish, from a rescue) needs companionship following the loss of his (female) partner. He is eating well, but clearly less active than normal, and pulls his box in against the wall to hide much of the time.) We are planning on extending our c&c run and getting a pair of younger (2 year old) females. Our local rescues dont have anything available, and so we are travelling to a small breeder who comes recommended by a friend with experience, and has a few females available currently living in a group with a neutered boar, but is 45 mins drive away. They are happy to have us come over for a trial bonding. Should we take them up on the offer, and take our boar along for the ride? Or simply collect and bond at home? And how should one deal with removing 2 girls from one group, to join ours? Any tips on supporting the transition for all the piggies? Thanks!
If they are happy for you to trial the bond at their house, I would take your boy along and do the initial bonding there unless of course, you have a plan b if the bonding fails at your house. Guinea pigs travel surprisingly well. The furthest I have ever travelled for a bonding session is nearly two hours
I think it would be easier to take your boar to meet the sows, in case it doesn’t work out - in which case you can just bring him back home alone. My experience of breeders is usually that if you take a piggy from them you can’t usually return them, but even if they agreed to you returning them , it’s still anither journey for you to have to make.
Aw, how lovely, so glad it went so well for your little boar x