Traumatised rescue pig behaviour help needed

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The saga of the swamp pigs goes on! These pigs are really testing my resolve for having a harmonious group of sows. I am after a some advice from anyone who has had experience with pigs who have had to fight for everything in their life. Now that the 2 rescue sows have had their litters & the boys are seperated out (randy little so&so's) I have for the last day or 2 been trying to bond the 2 mums & their 3 offspring. As it stands it seems that the sow who had her litter first (Pudding) is being a tad arsey to put it bluntley. She has been literally flying for the other mum MagPie & her baby Elizabeth. It looks like Wisp (one of Puddings babys) has learnt to be a bit of a bully too & at every opportunity flys for the little 2 week old.
I thought ok this isn't working after nearly a day of standing by the 6ft enclosure I have put them in with a water pistol. So I took out Pudding & Wisp thinking that they're ok together & leaving Willow MagPie & Elizabeth together. WRONG! MagPIe is flying for 4week old Willow. Any advice on what I should do. I really don't want Willow & Elizabeth to learn this behaviour. Do you think it will be a good idea to put the 2 young sows in with my non-traumatised group of 3sows & hope that they will be taught some proper manners? Do you think that they will grow out of this behaviour with time & patience? goes off to bang head against wall! Its got beyond the point of leaving them to it because they're too f~~~~d up to be trusted with 'leave them to it'!
I am assuming that they are like this becuase they always had to fight for everything where they came from-food, water, shelter, rest from male pigs etc
maybe trying them with the non traumatised group might work but sadly you will have to stand by with a water pistol( I've used that method on occasion) to make sure the naughty ones dont teach the good uns bad habits, I've found any naughty girls put in my girls herd generally chill out as the older ones will butt them if they are out of order, one or two butts and they are fine, nothing major i might add just a gentle "oi you pack it in" butt, good luck
No fisticuffs since a huge pile of hay with chopped veg hidden in it - thats with MagPie Elizabeth & Willow so fingers crossed they'll be ok if I keep it up. Pudding & Wisp may just have to stay as a duo & eventually have a neutered boy in with them. Its like having a bunch of semi-feral delinquants in the house! I've just been in the shed & spoken to my origional pigs & given them all cuddles & told them how greatful I am that they have all been so easy!
I'll begin by saying please, please, please, don't use a water pistol on them Hilary, I'm not sure where or who gave you that idea but it's akin to the old fashioned methods of dog training :(
Seriously, it's not good, these are already traumatised animals from a poor background, they need to be treated with understanding and a more gentle approach :)

I think you might have to accept that they may never get along with other sows and house them appropriately. I've come across girlies like this and it's often more nature than nurture and you have to work with them not against them.

If it were me, I'd put Pudding and her babies in one pen (is that Willow and Wisp?). And leave Magpie to enjoy some peace with Elizabeth.
I don't believe babies learn negative behaviour like this from their moms, but it's possible it may be part of their inherited temperament? Some sows even from an early age, are naturally more dominant than others.
I have used the Bach Flower Remedies with success when it comes to bonding guinea pigs, but you may just prefer a more practical approach? In fact common sense might dictate it if the arguments are seriously stressing another piggy!

Good luck,
Okies re water pistol - I did only try to use it once & nothing came out anyway - thanks for the warning though. I had read it somewhere but can't remember where exactly. I remember it saying something in the lines of 'it will deliver something that doesn;t hurt but will stop them doing what it is without them realising it has come from a human' well you get the idea. Goodness I'm glad that no water came out now as that explination had me convinced that this method was ok. I feel really bad now!
What are the Bach Flower Remedies? It seems to me that Cornelia and Caesar get along and cuddle outside the pen, but Cornelia just doesn't want a roommate!
Alexandra said:
What are the Bach Flower Remedies? It seems to me that Cornelia and Caesar get along and cuddle outside the pen, but Cornelia just doesn't want a roommate!

There is some info here that might help. Any specific questions just ask, I'll help if I can :)

Bach Flower essences Info
For once I agree whole heartily with Barbara I think you need to go down a different route to achieve harmony with these girls,
I had one like this and put a partition down the middle of the cage, she was in there for months and by the time I took the partition down she was desperate to cuddle up against another piggy :) she is still very bossy >:( but that's Lilly for you,

Harmony achieved PiggyBaker. I resigned myself to the fact that they weren't going to live in a big bonded group as planned just 2 smaller seperate ones - thats fine by me! So I went on Barbaras advice & put them back in their family groups They will still go in the 6ft shed hutch eventually - but with a mesh divider . They won't get as much space when they're 'in' but I will just give them extra fl;oor time. I have been dedicating alot of extra one on one time with these girls & have been keeping them occupied by changing their toys & igloos etc every day. I have been swapping igloos & fiddle sticks between thier cages so they are used to the scent of each other. Their indoor cages are next to each other. I think if this is going to work I will only have success by taking the slowly slowly approach & hope that old behaviour patterns are forgotten by ensuring plenty of food & water (2 bowls & bottles per cage). The next time I plan on trying them together will be when its warm enough to put a huge run on the grass - hopefully they'll be that chuffed with the food carpet that things will go fine. So I have at least another 2 months before any sign of a warm day!
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