Transporting Piggies

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 3, 2013
Reaction score
New York, USA
Today I have to take my 2 boys to get there nails cut for the first time. I have never done it so I'm going to have someone show me how to do it(where we adopted them from) and I'm also not sure how they are going to react cause they are still very scared of me. I still have the 2 cardboard carriers that they came in but I will have to keep them separated when I take them because the boxes are not big enough. I wanted to keep them together cause I thought it might be less stressful for them . I'm planning on putting towels with fleece in there and then some hay and veggies. I hate putting them through this but I have no choice. Do you thinks its ok that they will be separated? Thanks
Hi! It will be OK to have them separated for a short time, but it may be a good idea to get a pet carrier (a cat carrier will to for two guinea pigs, for instance, and it doesn't have to be new). Let your boys play and eat in the carrier some days before you use it for transport; that way they have good associations.

Here in Britain, vets or vet nurses will cut nails or show new owners how to do so properly.

Make sure you put a bit of hay in the boxes, so they can nestle in that; that helps to calm them down.

All the best!
I use a cat carrier for my two boys, and when it's summer they are going with me every weekend to our caravan. Never had any problems with transporting them. Just lots of hay and when it's hot or they have to be in the carrier for a longer time, I put some tomato or cucumber in there.
I hope it went well today!
Thank you all for your suggestions. I wound up just using the cardboard carriers with fleece inside. They felt a little cold when I took them out when I got home but hopefully they will be ok. One was very calm and one kept flinching and then tried to bite the girl while cutting their nails. I will give it a try next time they need clipping but if it doesnt work out she said to just bring them in and she will clip them(for free):)
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