Training A Guinea Pig

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 8, 2016
Reaction score
central scotland
My pig is great at lap time and floor time but when I go to put him back into his cage he will try to jump out of my hands to his cage. His cage sits on a low table so it's about a 60cm drop for him with me standing up so I obviously can't just let him jump. When I get near his cage he starts squirming to jump out my hands which gets worse the closer I get to his cage so I end up having to hold on to him quite tightly and I'm worried about hurting him or him hurting himself
I've been trying to train him not to do this but I don't know if it's even possible, I remember seeing a video of a guinea pig jumping over little jumps though so I'm assuming from this they can be trained. What I am doing at the moment is when he starts squirming I say "no" and take a step back from the cage, wait about 10 seconds and walk forward again. I normally do this 2 or three times them just put him in his cage with the squirming. I don't want to repeat it more than the 2 or 3 times as I'm worried I'll stress him out. He doesn't seem upset by it though, I think he just gets excited to see his hay. He does seem to squirm less and is easier to get in his cage on the 2nd or 3rd attempt but only by a little. Is this possible to train him to do or am I just risking stressing him out for no reason?
:D You are doing right in saying "No" and stepping back. I have to do that myself sometimes with a couple of my girls. Two other things you could try: when lowering your pig into his cage, turn him to face you and lower him bum first onto the floor. Or if he goes in head first, just put a free hand over his face to stop him from jumping. Or if you have a cuddle cup or a fleece tunnel, get him to sit in that and then lower that into the cage and then let him walk out in his own time.
Thanks, it's a relief to know I'm doing the right thing. It never occurred to me to try putting him in bum first I'll try that when I get him out in a bit. I don't have a cuddle cup yet but I've already ordered some fleece for making mats for his new cage, a hidey and cuddle cup so when that arrives I'll try the cuddle cup idea. I'll keep going with the training as well and hopefully he'll realise that if he just sits still he'll get in his cage quicker with less fuss for everyone :D
We use this to transport and pick up piggies. As wriggling free at the wrong second can cause serious injury :( I don't think piggies are very trainable unfortunately :))

Have a look at this video

getting him out is easy, he stands up with his front paws on the cage so it's really easy to get my hand under him and lift him. He doesn't struggle at all being lifted out it's just the excitement of getting back to his cage after being out I think. The cosy in your video is the sort of idea I plan on making when my fleece arrives, I will try that It looks really easy thanks
Putting him in bum first was so much easier, he didn't even struggle at all. I cant believe I never thought of something as simple as bum first lol:doh: Thanks @7squeakers.
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