Toy Ideas..

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 19, 2015
Reaction score
Castleford, West Yorkshire
Hi everyone

I've got a few days off work and looking for some new ideas for toys for my boys!

I've had to separate one of my pairs into singles after a bloody incident yesterday and don't want them to get bored whilst they're on their own for the time being..

Cleaning my fridge out I came across an empty egg box so looked online and came across egg box hay ideas.. This is what I've come up with! They absolutely love IT and haven't left it alone!

Does anyone have any other ideas I can use to entertain them?

Thanks in advance

That is a really cool idea :)
I cut up toilet roll tubes into hoops and form these hoops together to make a ball. (Saw it on you tube I think) They don't last long before they are chewed up though. Lol.
Or I use brown paper bags stuffed with hay and forage.
Lovey piggies btw.
Brown paper bags are a big hit in our house. I just cut the handles so they can't get stuck. Also conveniently enough our favourite local takeaway uses them so we get nice food and the pigs get toys ;)

I have seen circles of cardboard tube overlapped and stuffed with hay to make a ball that they can have fun tearing apart too but never tried it myself. We've done the egg box trick too or even sometimes put their veggies under an upturned plastic tumbler to see how long they take to knock it over and get the food (longer than you'd think they, weren't so good at that one!)
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