Towel trick

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Aug 4, 2010
Reaction score
North of England
Has anyone heard of the towel trick to tame shy piggies? I watched the utube vid and thought i would give it a try with my new boys who are still a bit timid. It worked for about 5 mins and then they wriggled out of the top of the towel, they initially seemed to like it but soon got fed up. It suggests 2 hours a day! but this seems way too long. Have any of you tried it with your piggies?
I've not heard of it, what is it? Towel wrapping the pig so they can't wriggle while you hold them?
Thanks. :)
It is as i thought & i have wrapped a pig in the past because he was so frightened i couldn't hold him without wrapping him but i felt it too restrictive so i bought a cat igloo.
This meant he was contained & couldn't jump out of my arms whilst also feeling safe & allowed me to get him used to first my voice & then my touch.
Each night i'd sit watching tv with him in his igloo at my side & after almost 2wks he was happy to sit on me without being held.

31st Jan - Wrapped.

1st Feb - Chilling in his pigloo.

9th Feb - Totally at ease.
Awwwwwwwwwww how sweet! I hope this works with my boy, the baby is confident enough to sit out now but Jasper is still so timid. Hes a lovely piggie so i will persevere. Thanks for the picturesdrool
How do you get them to lay like that? If i ever have mine like that when i'm doing health chekcs etc they HATE it!
It was such a shock when she grabbed the guinea pig from under her cardigan on the sofa... I wasn't expecting that! ;)
How do you get them to lay like that? If i ever have mine like that when i'm doing health chekcs etc they HATE it!

Not sure, none of mine mind being laid on their backs but they don't get a choice :)) When i'm clipping nails i have them laid in one arm whilst i clip their back nails :)
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