Towel Cage Liners?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 21, 2016
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Hi, so i was wanting to make a cage liner but I'm not quite sure if I should try this or not and would appreciate a second opinion.
Right now for my piggie cage I have towels with fleece placed on top but I was wondering if it would be a good idea to sew all the towels and the fleece together to create a cage liner? I just thought it might be easier to set in the cage and change but I'm not sure if that's a weird idea or not, haha.
I would not recommend to sew towels and fleece because the towels underneath would stay always wet and when washed it might need a lot of time. A wet towel can be changed/washed and the fleece dries in some minute outside in the air.
As absorbant layer I use newspapers and flyers taken at the supermarket; every day during floor time I simply remove some wet flyers, although now having air conditioning at home I see that the paper gets dry even when I don't remove it. I hang out the fleece to dry and some minute later it is ready. Having it sewn with towels and absorbant layers would need a longer time.
I add some pictures, if you are interested in giving it a try...
(actually I also use towels underneath the paper, but only for having a thicker and softer floor)

I use cotton mattress protectors as the absorbant layer between two sheets of fleece all sewn together. I love cage liners. So easy to change.

The best thing to keep fleece from needing washing too often is to have a huge litter tray area. Mine is lined with hemparade from zooplus, a hemp based bedding that looks like sawdust which i cover in hay.

Mistletoe and Jingle love it and do most of their wees in that end of the cage.
I have a couple of liners that I sewed myself with fleece on the outside and an old beach towel as the absorbent layer in the middle.
They work really well, don't take too long to dry, and I love the convenience of being able to take the whole thing out in one go.
Plus it is easier for the kids to do it as well!

If you do go this route, just make sure you have a space to dry them.
I use a large clothes airer in the laundry room to hang them out when it is too cold/wet to line dry them.
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