So I have had my piggie Tove since last April. When I adopted her, she was very young and still had growing to do. She was shy, but enjoyed being pet and would eat from my hand after a few days. Then, I noticed bald patches on her face. I took her to the vet and it was determined she had ringworm. I was given a topical medication that needed to be brushed onto her face four times a day. This traumatized Tove. I had to wrap her in a towel to get her to be still so I could put this on her face, and sometimes she would freak out and it would drip into her eye, causing pain. And then I would have to flush it out with water! This carried on for three weeks until she was all better. That entire time she was also quarantined.
Since then, Tove hates people. She tries to bite and goes into her house and hides when anyone approaches. Clipping her nails is always a chore, since she thrashes and screams like I'm torturing her. When people come over, I always have to warn them not to pet Tove because if she feels cornered she becomes aggressive. Part of me is discouraged that I have this pig that I barely get to see, because if I'm in the room she disappears in her hiding spots. However, she provides my other sow Tuulikki with companionship, so I don't want to separate them. Has anyone else ever had any luck taming a difficult pig? I've tried easing her into it, like starting with stroking, moving to picking her up and putting her down then immediately giving her a treat. But it never works. She just freezes and then won't eat for hours.
Since then, Tove hates people. She tries to bite and goes into her house and hides when anyone approaches. Clipping her nails is always a chore, since she thrashes and screams like I'm torturing her. When people come over, I always have to warn them not to pet Tove because if she feels cornered she becomes aggressive. Part of me is discouraged that I have this pig that I barely get to see, because if I'm in the room she disappears in her hiding spots. However, she provides my other sow Tuulikki with companionship, so I don't want to separate them. Has anyone else ever had any luck taming a difficult pig? I've tried easing her into it, like starting with stroking, moving to picking her up and putting her down then immediately giving her a treat. But it never works. She just freezes and then won't eat for hours.