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Tough Decisions


New Born Pup
Jun 4, 2020
Reaction score
My Lionel is 6. He was diagnosed with a hyperactive thyroid last year, and has declined since then. He is around 600 grams and on medication in a high dosage—my vet recommended surgery as the only other alternative, but as he is old and would have a 50% chance of survival, I declined. Recently, he has developed respiratory issues in the form of discharge from the eyes and nose. He has been through three rounds of antibiotics (currently on a fourth), with no change. His brother has not contracted any issues like this while living with him. Blood results normal (besides obvious thyroid.)
My dilemma is euthanasia. I feel, now, it’d be a good choice, since he is extremely thin and with constant crusty/leaky eyes and sneezing. I clean him with a q tip daily and with a shallow paw/tummy sink bath twice per week because he is having trouble cleaning himself.
I have the appointment set for two days from now. However, I am slightly questioning. Although Lionel looks awful (even while being the cutest boy of all), he is still with a great appetite, and still has energy. No visible weakness. He is acting completely fine, despite a little more napping. My vet advised me that he is not in pain.
If he is very sick yet having no behavioral changes/pain, should I hold off? I will ask my vet before the appointment, of course, but has anyone else been in this position? I don’t want to be cruel to him, and I don’t know what decision would be more so right now. Just looking for a few outside opinions, if anyone has time. Thanks!
I’m so sorry you are having to make this difficult decision. Lionel has had a wonderful life with you. You know him best. If you think he’s having more bad days than good then maybe it’s time. Sending you a big hug.
I am very sorry 😞 It’s always a difficult decision when we have to think about euthanasia but if he has a poor quality of life then may be it’s time to help him over the bridge. But you know Lionel the best and whatever decision you make will be the right one and we’ll all be here to support you whatever decision you make x
I am very sorry to hear this.

This is generally referred to as the gray area, where there is really no right or wrong answer. This is the last act of love we can show to our little pigs, so whatever decision you make will be the right one as it is coming from a place of love and care.
I stand by the mindset 'Better a day too early than a minute too late', when it comes to things like this.

My thoughts are with you all x
I’m so sorry, it’s always a heartbreaking decision but made from love x
I’m so sorry you are having to make this difficult decision. Lionel has had a wonderful life with you. You know him best. If you think he’s having more bad days than good then maybe it’s time. Sending you a big hug.
Thank you so much ❤️
Sorry that are in this situation.
It’s a horrible decision to make , and as @piggl said is a last gift of love.
All I can say is - go with your heart.
You will know what is right and best for Lionel because you love him.
Hugs 🤗
Sending my support. You can only make this decision with the support of your vet.
Thank you, everyone. I moved his appointment until Monday. He is having a good day, lots of energy, lots of eating, trotting around the floor happily. I’ll miss him so much. I got him when I was 14, and I am 20 this month. I am so relieved I was able to give him the life he deserved so much. It’ll be strange without my little roommate, but I know I’ll be okay.
Thank you, everyone. I moved his appointment until Monday. He is having a good day, lots of energy, lots of eating, trotting around the floor happily. I’ll miss him so much. I got him when I was 14, and I am 20 this month. I am so relieved I was able to give him the life he deserved so much. It’ll be strange without my little roommate, but I know I’ll be okay.
6 years is quite old in piggy years. You must have looked after Lionel really well to have got him to such a grand old age. It hurts when they leave us whether it is with help or on their own terms. Be happy that you gave him lots of happy todays and loved him unconditionally.