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Total Trust!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 9, 2012
Reaction score
Hi, A lot of you will be familiar with Minky's recent troubles. My wife decided to take pics of me massaging Minky with an electric toothbrush. Here are the results, please excuse my legs I was in my shorts & the puppy pad, we were between feeds of Critical Care which can be a little messy :-

Omg :love: that doesn't look like a poorly piggy, she looks like she is enjoying herself lol :D I have a naughty Aby too, she is a little monster & bosses my other 2 (One of which weighs 1.4 kg!) around! They have such funny characters :D
Ahhhhh wow - she looks so content with you. How is she getting on? Any improvement yet?

Well , you see the middle picture. I didn't realise at the time she had done 7 little poos & they had dropped onto the sofa between that gap in my legs. It's leather so no harm done & we gave Minky a little cheer for her effort. Just waiting for the massage pad to arrive now & Minky is back at the vets at 2pm. Hopefully this is the beginning of her recovery.
Photos like that melt your heart mate. Bless Minky, I am so hoping she starts to feel better soon. She is a very special piggie :love: :love:
Wow, she is so trusting, seems like you have a wonderful relationship with her.
Wow, she is so trusting, seems like you have a wonderful relationship with her.

That's one of the good things that's come out of all her problems this year. She seems to know that I'm helping her. It's getting to the situation now that she doesn't want to get up after you've finished massaging her.
What touching photos. I wonder who discovered the wonder of an electric toothebrush effect on a poorly guinea pig. they should be recognised somehow. I hope the poops keep churning out.
What touching photos. I wonder who discovered the wonder of an electric toothebrush effect on a poorly guinea pig. they should be recognised somehow. I hope the poops keep churning out.

It was amanda1801 who recommended the use of an electric toothbrush & I'm very grateful to her for the suggestion. The one I used on Minky is going to be a permanent item in my piggy first aid box which has become a cupboard recently.
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