Torn Ear?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 4, 2014
Reaction score
Hi. As some of you may now I have had a few problems settling my nrw piggies in. They are currently with my neighvour as I am on hol, but we noticed yesterday that Brandysnap's ear has been torn. I'm not quite sure what happened or when and there was no blood. She doesn't seem to be in pain but I'm thinking it's time to find her a new home.
This is quite common with battling piggies. Some of my rescue piggies came with varying degrees of damage to the ear. The thing is to stop it getting worse. It may be signs that they're not settling together but best to monitor it & if it does get worse to separate them.
occasionally one of my lot will have a new nip to an ear, usually when one piggy has tried to challenge the dominant hierarchy
Most guinea pigs have a bit of damage to their ears, from what I've seen. Little snags, as long as they're not infected or bleeding, won't bother them. It'd be an idea -- especially with new pigs -- to keep a close eye on them for a few days, maybe even weeks, to check if they are fighting or not.
IF they are, it doesn't mean you have to give one or both away, just keep them in different cages or hutches. Sometimes guinea pigs like to play together but not live together, and sometimes they fight a little initially and then settle down.
I've had about 4 pairs of boys living together, all fought a tiny bit at first, then they worked out their hierarchy and settled. As long as it's not dangerous to their health!
My Cookie had a little cut under his ear then the next couple of days it opened up (no idea how he did it, could've been Cream or he could've scratched it) and I just tried to clean it up as best as I could, however I would watch out as cuts can develop into ringworm as Cookie's did
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