Top ten ways to bond with your piggie?!

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I have my little pretzal who i was originally going to rehome, but now absolutly love her! Shes my star piggie so I'm keeping her ::) O0

I want her to be totally hand 'tame' (brave with people as oppesed to skittish) and totally boded with me, I'm not saying my other pigs arent, but you know what i mean, I want to have that special connection with her.

She pees on me sometimes...i consider this a good start! ;D

If anyone can tell me ways that they bonded with their piggies or tricks or techniques I can use to make sure she will be my soul piggie that would be great! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Thanks in advance!
Aww, that's so sweet! You could find something that she really likes that the others don't as much (a toy, something to cuddle with, treat, etc.) and then everytime you bring her out she gets it. If she only gets the special thing when she's with you then she will look forward to being with you. Then, she should get over being excited about the special thing and start being excited about you.

Kimmie thats great! We are going to the dreaded P@H tomorrow, I'm going to look for a baby kitten/puppy soft toy, the ones that are all soft and yummy for her, and start the process. I love her so much and i am so jealous of people who have that bond with their piggies! I love them all but there is something special about this iittle girl...shes got that cheeky look and looks like shes smiling all the time which makes me really happy!
smiler said:
Kimmie thats great! We are going to the dreaded P@H tomorrow, I'm going to look for a baby kitten/puppy soft toy, the ones that are all soft and yummy for her, and start the process. I love her so much and i am so jealous of people who have that bond with their piggies! I love them all but there is something special about this iittle girl...shes got that cheeky look and looks like shes smiling all the time which makes me really happy!

Mine are lovely once out they're cage, but run whenever I cough/sneeze/move...I sit by there cage and offer them stuff and they usually take to them all the time aswell. Beauty will run but not actually into his house thing, just to the back of the cage and Pepper will go into his hidey house but will shove his nose out and look at me now...doesn't sound like a lot I know, but compared to how they were it's great to me ;)
maggs will stay still when i put my hand in the cage...but i think thats cos shes getting to fat to run ;D and she comes to me when she hears food but thats just because shes hungry ;D

pretzel likes to watch me type if i have her out but any quick movements that arent expected...she runs....very fast.... ;D
smiler said:
maggs will stay still when i put my hand in the cage...but i think thats cos shes getting to fat to run ;D and she comes to me when she hears food but thats just because shes hungry ;D

pretzel likes to watch me type if i have her out but any quick movements that arent expected...she runs....very fast.... ;D

Yup, sounds just like Pepper ;) They're getting there though...have had them for 4 months already though and they still aren't keen on me..sigh. :-\
I like to give mine thier favourite veggies on my knee my three know my foot steps now and as soon as they hear me their wheeking and at the fronts of the cage. When out in the run if they hear me move they are at the side nearest to where ever I am three pairs of eyes on me if I walk around. I could never have a favourite piggie out of mine they are all special to me. Each one is different but all loved just the same.
Michelle, she's not saying that she has a favorite guinea pig. She feels a special connection between her and the piggie and wants to know how she can get the piggy to bond with her. I don't think she loves any of her guinea pigs more or less, she just wants to know how to make it so that they love her back.

KimmiesGuineas said:
Michelle, she's not saying that she has a favorite guinea pig. She feels a special connection between her and the piggie and wants to know how she can get the piggy to bond with her. I don't think she loves any of her guinea pigs more or less, she just wants to know how to make it so that they love her back.

I was telling her what I did and they ALL love me back as will her little piggie.
Thanks to everyone for your advice..and yes i love all my piggies the same, but theres something special about this little girl...shes very skittish i think the word is and hasnt had the best start when we got her but i would love for her in a month, a year or however long to come out of herself and have that special bond i know a lot of you have with your piggies! :smitten:
i got my Truffles about 3 months ago and he has just started to get a little bit better, he nows gives me a lovely welcome in the morning when i go in to say hello, he likes to sit up on the back of the couch when I'm watching telly :)
in the Peter Gurney guinea pig Collins pet guide there are many "exercises" that you can do with your piggy. :)
I got Shura when he was around 2 months old and now he is 3 and two months. I held him a lot and stroked him. Funny thing is that I would always hold him in the right arm so I could use my left arm to do anything else and now he's a little older and when I pick him up he always wants to be in my right arm and if I try to move him to my left arm he doesn't want to. ;D

They will also accustom to your voice. So speak softly and comfortingly to your guinea pig and always move quietly around your guinea pig.
Every morning I greet my guinea pigs and the second they hear my voice they start squeaking and run out to greet me, knowing I'll feed them. She'll learn that you feed her. Cuddling her, stroking her, talking to her are good ways to bond. They're great little pets and make excellent companions! :)
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