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Top incisor longer than others


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2019
Reaction score
Carbondale, Illinois
She had one of her top incisors break off a few weeks ago.. from her biting the bars I assume.

Her teeth have been good but recently I’ve noticed her top left incisor is much longer than her right. Her bottom incisors are slanted. I am thinking that is probably caused from uneven wear with the top ones being different lengths..

She does occasionally have molar issues and she had a molar trim a few months back but isn’t having any molar issues as of recent. Her chewing is perfect. Whenever she does have molar issues, you can 100% tell with her chewing and that’s how I always know. I don’t think this has to do with her molars. Funnily enough, her incisors are never slanted or messed up when her molars do get overgrown lol.

I’ve messaged my vet to try and get her in sooner for an incisor trim. However, is it possible that tooth breaking off would have caused this? She’s never had an incisor grow too long.
She had one of her top incisors break off a few weeks ago.. from her biting the bars I assume.

Her teeth have been good but recently I’ve noticed her top left incisor is much longer than her right. Her bottom incisors are slanted. I am thinking that is probably caused from uneven wear with the top ones being different lengths..

She does occasionally have molar issues and she had a molar trim a few months back but isn’t having any molar issues as of recent. Her chewing is perfect. Whenever she does have molar issues, you can 100% tell with her chewing and that’s how I always know. I don’t think this has to do with her molars. Funnily enough, her incisors are never slanted or messed up when her molars do get overgrown lol.

I’ve messaged my vet to try and get her in sooner for an incisor trim. However, is it possible that tooth breaking off would have caused this? She’s never had an incisor grow too long.


Without access to your piggy or a picture we can unfortunately not comment on what exactly is going on.

Incisors are about 4 cm long and curved; they are by far the longest teeth guinea pigs have; the roots are way back just in front of the premolar and molar grinding teeth. This means that breaks can happen at any point below the gum line and not just above.
If the bottom and top incisors no longer meet and abrade against each other, then overgrowth can happen and needs to be addressed by a vet.

Here is a picture of an incisor that was operated out of my Nesta's mouth due to a rotten root, just to give you an idea of the size and shape.
Well update: this morning I noticed that long incisor is no longer there so it’s broken off sometime throughout the night.

She has a drop off appointment Monday of next week. Will be keeping and eye on her teeth and see how that one grows in 💗
Well update: this morning I noticed that long incisor is no longer there so it’s broken off sometime throughout the night.

She has a drop off appointment Monday of next week. Will be keeping and eye on her teeth and see how that one grows in 💗

All the best.