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Tooth troubles - split incisor?


New Born Pup
Oct 27, 2022
Reaction score
Hi everyone,
My 7.5-year-old guinea pig has developed as strange-looking incisor - it is like there is an extra sliver of tooth coming off the front of the right incisor. I've attached a photo. I'm planning to have it looked at by a vet but was wondering if anyone has had experience with this and ideas of what causes it. I'm not sure how long it is has been like that - I was away for a month-long work trip and don't remember it being like that before I left, but it's all the way from the gum to the tip so must have been growing in like that for a while.
IMG_0747.webpIMG_0745 2.webp
Her eating doesn't seem affected, and weight is usual, but I did notice her twitching her head in a way that seems strange. She is on daily metacam (for arthritis and ovarian cysts) and I also syringe feed her water with a 1 mL syringe (she likes drinking syringe water more than using the water bottle). She often pulls the syringe from my hand and chews on it - I hope that isn't what caused this. The reason I looked in her mouth is that during syringe drinking she suddenly jerked her head back, lifting it into the air and craning her neck to the side, so I was worried that she'd hurt her mouth by biting the syringe. She also has recently started the habit of biting on her cage grids - she isn't even kept in a cage, but has some tunnels made of cage grids that she goes into to gnaw on the grids if I'm too slow getting her a snack. Then there is a metal water bowl, which she has figured out how to make a loud ringing sound with using her teeth - she uses the bowl like a bell to call me when she wants syringe water. I wonder if biting the bowl, grids, or syringe caused some trauma that made her tooth grow strangely.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? How worried should I be? I'm afraid that the vet is going to recommend a tooth extraction or something like that under sedation - at her advanced age she doesn't seems as strong as she used to be and I really don't want to risk putting her under anesthesia.

Thank you for any insights!
Hello. I have had something very similar to this with a piggy.

Here is the thread.

I did take him to the vets and they said he had injured it.

I’d keep a close eye on it and if it changes or becomes a problem then get it checked out. It’s good it’s not bothering her at the moment.

I agree that it looks like the result of an injury to the root. Keep in mind that incisors are about 4 cm long. As long as it is not a problem, I would recommend to wait and see whether it grows out on its own again.

Please see a vet if the thicker tooth needs attention if it becomes too bulky to wear down at the same rate as the, slimmer others and causes trouble by overgrowing and also through the greater pressure on the gum at its root.
Thank you for sharing that thread weepweeps! It's a relief to hear that Percy's tooth grew back without problems, fingers crossed it will be the same with my guinea pig.