Too Much Biting...

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 28, 2013
Reaction score
Sweden, Stockholm
One of my Guinea pigs are bitintg me ALL THE TIME... I'm getting tired of it, what should I do? She hurts me allot since my fingers always has some wounds on them (From a bad habbit) and she makes these wounds deeper... :(
She also makes my other Guinea Pig cry loudly...
If she is biting you then you need to find a way of handling her using cuddle cups or blankets so she does not get a chance to bite. If she is biting other piggies you need to separate her from them as she could cause real wounds.
Does she do it only when you pick her up? Mine has this as a learned behaviour so that he will be put down when he is fed up. Its not actually a bite, with him - he pulls at sleeves/towels/anything near him so if you aren't wearing sleeves he will pull the skin on your arm instead..! If so, maybe you can train her out of it?
I don't know if she is biting anyone else, because except for when I first got the two, I haven't found anything, yes, one of them had some scabs for a while but it went away on its own and no new ones has apeared, so I think she perhaps nips a little, mostly pushing with the nose really fast, she hasn't bit me for a while, either.
I'm having this problem with my two boars as well. It's not as bad as when we first got them but they do still both bite, the more skittish of the two in particular. I don't know how intelligent pigs are so can we teach them biting us won't mean being put down? Or should I put them down as soon as he starts to nibble us? The problem with the other one is sometimes I can be stroking him whilst he's in his cage, properly chilled out and seems to be enjoying it, then without warning he just jumps up to bite me sometimes instead of doing an intermediate step of like shaking me off or anything (think that's mostly when he's feeling more hormonal on his grumpy days). Anyone got any advice? Will they ever stop this? Me and my partner have had a few nasty wounds off Martin (the more shy one) in particular! :(
One of my Guinea pigs are bitintg me ALL THE TIME... I'm getting tired of it, what should I do? She hurts me allot since my fingers always has some wounds on them (From a bad habbit) and she makes these wounds deeper... :(
She also makes my other Guinea Pig cry loudly...

My boar did this his whole life, couldnt get him to stop even when he seemed happy and content out of nowhere I would get a bite! If make a ow noise to startle him when he did it (not too loud) and just tried to make sure he saw my hand prior to stroking him so wasnt surprised (he had cataracts).
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