Too much at once?

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Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
East Sussex
Hi again!

Any advice on my 1yr (we have been told) girlies. We rehomed them on Fri last week and they came to us with nothing. No hide, no tubes, hay rack, nothing. Just the cage. {:|:(

I have rectified this, changed them over to fleece bedding, bought hides, tubes, piggie-tent, introduced more than hay, muesli and apples to their diet, give them the occasional newspaper ball. Now it seems we are getting a little rumblestrutting from Daisy-Cakes over the sleeping area (she thinks they are all hers) although if she wants to be out doing other things she allows Millie-Peeeg in. No fighting but fairly vocal. This might just be because they are settling in though?/ They are happily taking food from our hands and having a stroke in the cage etc. They are still snuggling up together, playing chase and popcorning so i'm thinking it cant be too bad, right?

Have I overloaded them, do you think? Should I take some bits away and introduce more gradually even though they are seeming to really enjoy everything until either one gets a little selfish! :{

Any ideas welcomed!

Confused of Hastings! 6)
With guinea pigs there is always one dominant one. This has nothing to do with how much food or equipment they have in their cage. Your piggy is displaying perfectly natural behaviour. No need to worry.
Thankyou! Just wanted to make sure as obviously dont want to be stressing them out at all! All quiet in camp guinea at the moment! :(|)
Just a reminder, too much apple is bad for them as they contains naturally occurring sugars.:<>
Just a reminder, too much apple is bad for them as they contains naturally occurring sugars.:<>

Just re-read my post and it doesn't read very clearly does it! mallethead They were only being fed guinea muesli, hay and apples before coming to me! Have pretty much taken the apple out of their diet now as I already knew that too much was bad for them! They are very much enjoying a more varied and balanced diet now! Thankyou though!:)
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