Too Cold?

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Nov 27, 2007
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Do you think it is still too cold for my piggies to go outside? I dont have a shed so they would be going straight into their hutch with a cover and such like but I'm not sure if it is still a little early of if it would be OK now.

What does anyone else think?
I think its ok in day time when the sun is out yesterday it was 19 degrees here. But morning time is only 9 degrees and I think that is too cold. review it in a couple of weeks, has to be around 10 degrees for me to put outside. :)
Yeah I think I'm inclined to agree with S&T on this one. I feel the evenings and nights are far too chilly still - there are still some mornings when there is ground frost here (East Anglia). And I would get them used to the outside gradually by putting their hutches out in the daytime for a couple of weeks prior to the final move outside. Good luck O0
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