Junior Guinea Pig
About three weeks ago Tonks was acting up. She was chasing the baby pigs around and chasing them away from food(plenty of space and food babies still eating fine.) She was also chin pushing them more than usual. This all came with an unusual amount of rumble strutting with vocalization which she does do once in a while. During the period of a couple of days when ever any pig went near her she would rumble strut and vocalize. It lasted for about 4 days. Now yesterday it has started up again. This time she is also mounting the babies. Could she be in season again? The pigs are still eating and drinking fine. They still get rest time when they are all laying about or eating calmly. No blood or biting except ear nipping that I can see. No one seems to be overly upset by this. Just a bit of a panic and squealing when the chasing/ mounting happens. From what I heard this all sounds ok and normal but I wanted to check in with all of you. How often can sows go into season?