Toileting ;(

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Sep 20, 2009
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My two guinea pigs dont seem to be getting the idea at all re toileting ... in fact they seem to see me putting their litter trays into there cages and purposely avoid using them as if they don't like to poop on my nicely arranged sawdust ........ rolleyes

I cant seem to catch them either as they have done it and wandered off before I even get chance to see it .... I would love to let them out to play more often but cleaning up after them is a momouth effort! Theyre excellent at getting in some really awkward places and leaving mess

Thanks for any advice,

Put a bit of hay either in the litter box or in a rack over it.
Sadly, piggies are rarely perfect with littering (mine aren't much).

I have taken to creating toilet corners by putting old bathroom mats or old beach towels in corners (with an underlay of plastic) to invite them not to make any messes on the carpet. Mostly that works. I also have cordoned off any awkwards corners in my living room for exactly your reasons!
I think pigs tend to poop where they want, and if it's in a litter tray or somewhere you want them to then that's just good luck :)) if it's not then you just have to put up with it!
mine tend to like going in places where they can hide- anywhere shetered. you could try sheltering the litter trays by putting boxes over the top and making it a bit more private, or as wiebke suggested just making sure that they can't get to anywhere you don't want them to.
Well I have tried and tried ........

they do seem aware that they are pooping as they dont seem to "go" on me unless they have too - they seem to have bladder/bowels which are ok for 15-20 mins at a time.

I sat on the floor the other night at the side of Augustus cage and fed them apple thinking that eventually they will "go" and then I can position him in the correct place and praise him :)) This worked really well when we had cats or dogs. However, would ho "go" ........... NO for ages and ages and when he did he managed to do it in the tunnel thing he has and he scuttled away before I could position him mallethead

Each week when I put the litter tray in their cage and each week I find the poops pile up in a different corner :a19: I change the corner and they do too .......

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Have you tried putting their hay in a part of their litter tray?
I am going to try that .... I was hoping to train them but catching them at least would be good enough ...
I put my hay rack and water over the litter tray in their home as they mostly seem to go whilst eating works a treat!
hehe must also confess to having collected up the poop and put it in tray but then i do tend to have a bit of ocd when it comes to cleaning not sure if it helped or if the guineas thought i was mad lol i do love a tidy cage :)
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They won't go if they are feeling insecure, that's probably why he held it until he was in the tunnel. It is simplest to make the trays the most secure area they can be, eg by putting a roof over it and removing the tunnel until he associates the tray with going.
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