Toileting Quickly After Veg Time?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2009
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don't know if this should be in behaviour or illness.... anyway, does eating veg make piggies go to the toilet straight after? that sounds stupid because they toilet constantly :mal: but sometimes after eating veg, or a plate of grass, mollie will do the 'noise' (this is bladder and pooping related groaning) but it seems really quickly after eating and i wondered if it's because she goes to the toilet very quickly after eating, or whether the noise could actually be because of some other reason. it's like the groan noise after weeing or pooping when they have a bladder condition, but it's just so soon after veg in particular that it's got me suspicious again that it could be because of some other reason.

any thoughts? and anyone experienced the same with any of their piggies? thanks :)
don't know if this should be in behaviour or illness.... anyway, does eating veg make piggies go to the toilet straight after? that sounds stupid because they toilet constantly :mal: but sometimes after eating veg, or a plate of grass, mollie will do the 'noise' (this is bladder and pooping related groaning) but it seems really quickly after eating and i wondered if it's because she goes to the toilet very quickly after eating, or whether the noise could actually be because of some other reason. it's like the groan noise after weeing or pooping when they have a bladder condition, but it's just so soon after veg in particular that it's got me suspicious again that it could be because of some other reason.

any thoughts? and anyone experienced the same with any of their piggies? thanks :)

I have often observed the same with piggies of mine. I call it the "clear the disgestive factory lines" syndrome, but I haven't noticed any groaning with it; that is something else. perhaps she is straining more or you are around more when she does it?
I have often observed the same with piggies of mine. I call it the "clear the disgestive factory lines" syndrome, but I haven't noticed any groaning with it; that is something else. perhaps she is straining more or you are around more when she does it?

thank you.

we did wonder if it was pushing things through quickly and therefore making her groan from the discomfort (her bladder inflammation and excess calcium salts) but it happens so soon afterwards sometimes that we suspected a digestive problem/food intolerance or throat issue at one stage. i still sometimes wonder that because after meds sometimes she will do the same thing. it seems to be when any extra food or liquid is consumed. she won't do it everytime though and there doesn't seem to be a pattern with what food it is when she does it. i mentioned it to the other vet we saw when ours wasn't in, and then to our usual vet but neither could see or feel any obvious cause for it during her consult examination or during her in-depth examination. or not yet anyway (that's what the worried part of me keeps thinking anyway)

but if it's normal for veg and grass to quicken the digestive tract for a while then i suspect this is what the problem is. she will still groan at times and this can be when urinating or pooping. a couple of times she has appeared to go to poop, hold it, then not beable to hold anymore and have a few come out really quickly. she will groan when they do.

she does groan other times aswell, not just veg times or after grass or meds. usually evening or night. the times after veg and meds always seem to be evening/night and never in the morning, so that's odd i think.

o/h said earlier after she did it that it might be her normal 'food down the wrong way' noise and not related to anything and not the same noise as the bladder groan, even though to me it sounds the same and if not, extremely similar. we have to wet her veggies more now for the fluid so o/h wonders if she sometimes inhales a little by accident when she's stuffing her face.
Mine usually poop and pee quickly after eating. They don't make a groaning noise but they do get agitated until they have toileted.
thank you.

we did wonder if it was pushing things through quickly and therefore making her groan from the discomfort (her bladder inflammation and excess calcium salts) but it happens so soon afterwards sometimes that we suspected a digestive problem/food intolerance or throat issue at one stage. i still sometimes wonder that because after meds sometimes she will do the same thing. it seems to be when any extra food or liquid is consumed. she won't do it everytime though and there doesn't seem to be a pattern with what food it is when she does it. i mentioned it to the other vet we saw when ours wasn't in, and then to our usual vet but neither could see or feel any obvious cause for it during her consult examination or during her in-depth examination. or not yet anyway (that's what the worried part of me keeps thinking anyway)

but if it's normal for veg and grass to quicken the digestive tract for a while then i suspect this is what the problem is. she will still groan at times and this can be when urinating or pooping. a couple of times she has appeared to go to poop, hold it, then not beable to hold anymore and have a few come out really quickly. she will groan when they do.

she does groan other times aswell, not just veg times or after grass or meds. usually evening or night. the times after veg and meds always seem to be evening/night and never in the morning, so that's odd i think.

I would assume that the bladder is still somewhat painful when heavily strained; not so much that it is an issue all the time, but just occasionally. Is she still on a bladder wall coating supplement? A damaged/inflamed bladder can take a very long time to heal.

o/h said earlier after she did it that it might be her normal 'food down the wrong way' noise and not related to anything and not the same noise as the bladder groan, even though to me it sounds the same and if not, extremely similar. we have to wet her veggies more now for the fluid so o/h wonders if she sometimes inhales a little by accident when she's stuffing her face.

I would assume that the bladder is still somewhat painful when heavily strained; not so much that it is an issue all the time, but just occasionally. Is she still on a bladder wall coating supplement? A damaged/inflamed bladder can take a very long time to heal.
I would assume that the bladder is still somewhat painful when heavily strained; not so much that it is an issue all the time, but just occasionally. Is she still on a bladder wall coating supplement? A damaged/inflamed bladder can take a very long time to heal.

yes, she's still on cerenia for her bladder walls :)
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