Toilet training!

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Apr 12, 2011
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OK hey guys and girls i need help

my piggies have a corner tray and an oblong litter tray they do use them a little bit but most of the time they poo and wee everywhere mainly weeing between them but pooing everywhere and yesterday there dry food bowl was moved and the little had been pooing and weeing there too.....

help please

thanks Gareth xx:red:red:red:red
mine use the littertray but also go everywhere as well! They used to use the littertray alot but have got lazy!
Mine is doing the same thing... He uses the litter box sometimes, and then sometimes not, I guess it depends on how comfy he is where he's at. I started litter training a few weeks ago and someone has told me to 1. Put hay in the litter box because it will promote digestion and they'll already be in the place to do it (this did help him) and 2 put a water bottle like in the litter tray for the same reason, and my piggy likes to wee underneath the watter bottle I am unsure why. So this all helped him a lot but he still goes where he pleases. I also have put him on fleece so that I can see where he's pooped and I clean that up and put it into the litter box daily so that the litter box only smells like the toilet. Hope all this helps and good luck!
Oh and one more thing... I put him back in his cage the other day and he instantly went and peed on the fleece but lucky my it didn't soak through right away so I grabbed a paper towel and soaked it up and then I wiped it on the back of the litter box so that smell was there as well and it seems to have really helped! I know how gross that sounds but it's worth a try.
no no sounds good i've tried some of that but will try the rest likethewater bottle and hey:))
mine make the most mess in their beds rolleyes but that is why I use fleece or fabric ones that absorb the wet and change them when they are mucky. I have two litter trays in the big area up top and one in the bedroom which is used as a bed as well:{ but I keep them clean enough, they do keep some of the wet down, I brush out the poos daily.

I did have the food bowl problem though, I think it was mainly fudge who was always sitting in the bowls and just going as she ate so I got smaller ones but spread them about or even out one in the larger litter tray.
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