Junior Guinea Pig
I've had many animals before these glorious new piggies, but predominately herps (reptiles and amphibians.) With herp care, you usually get a fairly specific guideline for the duration of daylight (i.e. 12 hours, 14 hours, etc.) Those guidelines are often based on what naturally occurs in the country of origin, breeding cycles, whether the animal is diurnal or nocturnal, and/or the need for UV-producing lights for a sustained period of time.
Anyway, I've got my piggies' a light on a timer, but I wasn't sure if there was a recommended day duration, so I've just set it for a 12-hour cycle. Of course, we're up more than 12 hours a day, so they kind of wake up with us and stay up until we go to bed. I've not found anything on this in the reading I've done, and I wondered if anyone had suggestions for how long their day should be, or whether it seems to matter at all to them and why.
Anyway, I've got my piggies' a light on a timer, but I wasn't sure if there was a recommended day duration, so I've just set it for a 12-hour cycle. Of course, we're up more than 12 hours a day, so they kind of wake up with us and stay up until we go to bed. I've not found anything on this in the reading I've done, and I wondered if anyone had suggestions for how long their day should be, or whether it seems to matter at all to them and why.