Today I decided

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, England
I have no idea why I'm telling you all this but I wanted to :P

Today I decided I'm never going to shop at my local pet shop again. They've sold hamsters and mice forever really, and while I didn't like that, the conditions weren't (and still aren't) that bad. They've had kittens in there a couple of times, but they've never had a constant supply of them. Lately they've started having rats and gerbils. In the tiny rat cage (well it's a tank) there was 4 litters of babys with 5 adults in there. It seemed as if only 2 litters survived, but I'm not sure. Now they have been moved into where they keep the kittens (no idea why, there's currently no kittens though) so they're harder to see, but every time I go in they either look pregnant or have a litter. Mum has commented to them many times about how they always seemed pregnant or had babies, they just replied with a "it's okay, they're fine". Argh! Today was the first time in a while I've been through to the fish section, but to be honest I didn't take any notice of the fish, because at the far side (well to the right) I saw a door, on it there was a sign which said something along the lines of 'Aquariums and Small Animal Room this way' so me and mum went through. To the left was a load of fish, again I didn't really pay attention to them, then to the right I didn't like what I saw. There were tiny hutches with rabbits and piggies in them, one piggy was living alone, a few together, and the others with rabbits. There was also a rabbit in a tiny indoor cage, which could have been no bigger than 20"x15" at the most, which had bubble wrap on the top? I also noticed the roof was leaking alot into the hutches. Well that really annoyed me. I used to think they were "okay" on the whole, I mean the fish were okay, the hamters and mice were, in general, okay, but I didn't like what I saw. So I've now decided I'm not gunna spend any more money there in the future. Any ideas as to how we could possibly educate them in some ways? I was thinking maybe I could print some leaflets or something out about the proper care of guinea pigs and hand them to them, but no idea if that would work. So any ideas or should I just stay out of there and hope for the best? :(

Anyway, sorry for rambling on, I wanted to tell someone haha :P Also, anyone know of any decent pet shops in South Yorkshire that don't sell animals? We have another on our high street which doesn't, but it's really small and doesn't have much, definately nothing for piggies. It's mainly dogs, cats and occasionally smaller animal accessories.

thats horrible, dont buy the piggies off them though, cause they'll just go get some more 'stock'. call the local rspca and
they will sort it out.
That's the way most of them are, sweetie - well done for wanting to do something and inform them - I think you'll only get knocked back by them for trying.

But great for wanting to do something :-* :-*
kellyandpiggies said:
That's the way most of them are, sweetie - well done for wanting to do something and inform them - I think you'll only get knocked back by them for trying.

But great for wanting to do something :-* :-*

Yeah I realise that, but by shopping there and getting friends/family to stop shopping there we're kind of helping by not giving money? Well it makes me feel a bit better about it anyway :-\ LOL :P
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