Toasty and Marshmallow


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 15, 2018
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Hello, I've seen that it seems to be common to create a specific thread for showing off ones own guineas, so I thought I'd do one for our two, Toasty (short for Toasted Marshmallow - he is the one with reddish brown bits on them) and Marshmallow (the white one).

They are both boys, we adopted them in August 2018 when they were just under a year old. At first they were very shy with us, but these days they know that we bring them food! Toasty is the more skittish about approaching humans although he can easily get over it for a bit of cucumber or, even better, a strawberry top. Marshmallow is more outgoing with people and he loves tunnels and general boisterousness.

I love these dedicated threads, too. It’s always lovely to see people’s piggies and piggies living their best lives. Gorgeous photos. :luv:
Today, Toasty wants to know whey I am brandishing some black object at him while he is just trying to peacefully eat this cardboard box.IMG_20200605_173629.webp

Maybe it is something to eat?

I actually felt so bad after his enthusiastic sniffing of my mobile phone I caved and gave him a strawberry leaf!
Thanks @VickiA, he's a cutie all right. Although also rather sneaky - he has a tendency to steal veggies from his brother and run away with them!
I'm really impressed with your lovely pictures, they are so bright. You must take them in really good light.
I'm really impressed with your lovely pictures, they are so bright. You must take them in really good light.
That is very kind of you to say. Rest assured, I also have plenty of dark and blurry ones!

These ones are taken in daylight with the shed door open so they have natural light on them 😁
For a bit of enrichment fun (and also because we had a bit of an order mix up and now have way more hay than we've got space to store!) we filled the run with hay.
Toasty and Marshmallow have created a new trick where one guinea goes into the hay and another one pops out!

I have a video but it's my first time sharing video on the forum so let's see if it works....

Today we thought we'd make them work a little for their lettuce (harsh, I know)IMG_20200611_090530.webpToasty managed to grab his down and run away with it within seconds but Marshmallow dutifully nibbled his bit by bit until he couldn't reach it any more and I got it down for him (at which point Mr Toast also thought the could grab his brother's lettuce and run, tut tut).

This is my youngest with the piggies.

She has had a tough time in some ways with GP ownership because she was only 4 when we got them so had a lot of learning to do to repress the grabbing/yelling urges. Now she's six and she still finds it hard that she's not allowed to pick the little guys up like her ten year old sister, but over the last few months she's been super patient in just sitting quietly with them and has been being more regularly involved in food and care and so I'm really delighted that her patience is paying off.

Happy birthday boys. Hope you’re spoilt rotten!...well you should be already 😁
Hello! Your boys are beautiful! I notice you have one of those carrot fleecy snuggle tents (can’t remember what it’s actually called!) and I’m wondering if your boys like it? I’m collecting my first pair of piggies this afternoon and have bought the same bed for them but am wondering if they’ll be scared of it... it’s a lot bigger than they are! X
Hello! Your boys are beautiful! I notice you have one of those carrot fleecy snuggle tents (can’t remember what it’s actually called!) and I’m wondering if your boys like it? I’m collecting my first pair of piggies this afternoon and have bought the same bed for them but am wondering if they’ll be scared of it... it’s a lot bigger than they are! X

Thanks. Yes they really like it, sometimes they both take a snooze in there together. We've had it around a year now and it holds up pretty well to washing too 😊

Good luck with pick up this afternoon!