To Vet Or Not To Vet


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
so, I got home from work yesterday morning and Scrappy was making cough-type noises. I here the piggies do that once in a while, but she kept on and on doing it and wouldn't eat breakfast. so I took her to the vets, putting a bit of apple in her carrier in case she felt she wanted to try and eat.

Vet couldn't see or hear anything untoward, so it was just a case of keeping an eye and ear on her. From the second we left the vets, she stopped coughing, ate the apple and generally was just like her usual self. Little horror! Is my piggy attention seeking or did I over-react?

lol... I think she may have had something like hay sticking in her throat, and the exam by the vet helped dislodge it. Better safe than sorry though..... despite the unnecessary appointment fee!

Good job my piggies are such cuties :P
Possible, keep a close on on her, the vet gave her a good check over so would have heard any breathing issues. Sometimes they get a bit of dust up nose and lungs and it causing hooting, little coughs etc.. Keep a close eye and well done for getting her checked out so quick
Try to catch her on video the next time she coughs... then take that to the vet if it recurs. It is so hard to get them to produce symptoms on demand! I took video on my phone of Hadley wheezing when she had her respiratory bug last winter... of course it was on and off and she would never do it for the vet!