To Pick Up Or Not To Pick Up?

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New Born Pup
Sep 6, 2014
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Hello. My Nan and I are newbie guinea pig owners and are a week in to owning our 12 week old boys Winston and Rodney :D . We have left them fairly alone this week so that they can adjust to their new hutch surroundings. We have now started to attempt to bond with them through holding and picking up and talking to them. However both boys are very timid, which I have read is common, as they were purchased from a pet shop so are unused to human contact. My question is really do we continue to attempt to hold and pick them up despite their protests as they run away like mad, struggle and even squeak quite loudly during the process. They seem ok once we have actually got them in our arms, although I'm not sure if this is just still out of complete terror rather than actually enjoying being held? Is it cruel to keep picking them up when they are so scared of us? Thank you for any advice :D.
Hi! I'm no expert but I have 2 boys, I bought them from a pet shop too. They were exactly the same, they didn't enjoy being picked up at all, I've had them for 2 months or so now and they have gotten so much better, I hand fed them so that maybe they would associate my big scary hand with something good. I really think that that helped because now they're great when they're being picked up, especially Merry. Maybe some take longer than others because Pippin can still be a bit timid at first but he's come a long way. I give them lap time for about an hour a day (split up over the day) and I keep them in the living room so that they're used to all our voices etc.
Hope this helps!
I would suggest herding them into a snuggle sack then holding them in that on your knee then they will come out when they are comfortable.Talk to them while they are on your knee and maybe try to feed them their favourite veg.Good luck
Hi I've had my two baby girls two weeks,, I think it will take time, but its best to pick them up from underneath as they are a prey animal, stick to the forum you will learn loads, good luck
I've had mine since February and they're still a bit nervous about being picked up but fine once out
I usually let Cream climb into his pigloo then I'll get him out like that (he has a habit of tipping over his pigloo and laying in it no matter how much I put it the right way up!) as soon as I'm sat down with him he's totally fine!

Cookie is easier to get out (usually my boyfriend gets him out as he is FAST) but once he's out he prefers to climb all over you instead of being held!
It all depends on their personality!
You could always leave picking them up for a while and just hand feed/stroke them in their cage for a bit, so they get used to your hands being near them ^.^ Once they're comfortable with that they'll start to realise you are not a threat, and become easier to handle :D Good luck!
Like everyone else has said it just takes time I have 5 boys all happy to have head rubs and be picked up but , if they are on an off day (just like humans) they can be grumpy and just want to be left alone, they have such individual characters that you have to get used to them and only time will make you aware of their likes and dislikes- be patient, because the feeling you get when they decide they want to snuggle you is the best and a piggy kiss is fab!
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