To Move Or Not To Move

To move or not to move.

  • Move to lounge.

    Votes: 8 88.9%
  • Stay in spare room.

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 1, 2015
Reaction score
We're wondering about moving our boys into the front room/lounge.
They are currently in what would be the spare room which is opposite our bedroom.

  • More human traffic
  • More interaction and supervised floor time would be available
  • We'd be able to keep an eye on them better throughout the day
  • We wouldn't be able to hear/get to them as easily at night if something goes wrong in the piggy hierarchy
  • Exposure to more noise/noises
  • Rearrangement and slight shrinkage of human space

Throw your thoughts out.....
If I was you I'd move them into the lounge :D providing you had an adequate amount of space for them and and for you to live comfortably. I think they will get used to the different noises fairly easily and it'll be good for them to get more human interaction and supervised floor time :) How many piggies do you have?
I have my pigs in front room next to the sofa. I spend more time watch piggy's then the TV. Some day I don't even put the TV on. Piggy's are more interesting to watch
If I was you I'd move them into the lounge :D providing you had an adequate amount of space for them and and for you to live comfortably. I think they will get used to the different noises fairly easily and it'll be good for them to get more human interaction and supervised floor time :) How many piggies do you have?

2 boars. Estimated 8-12 months old, so we're going through the joyful stroppy and tiffing phase.

They do get a lot of floor time but would be nice to be able to do more house work or laptop work without worrying or constantly checking. The constant possibility of interaction while doing human things would be nice.

Rearranging the lounge would be the little tricky thing requiring thought. We've built them quite a decent cage:
Edit: I replied at the same time Becky did. Hence this post was removed and is no longer required.

We thank you for the time and attention you have given to this post, more so now than when it was relevant.

2 boars. Estimated 8-12 months old, so we're going through the joyful stroppy and tiffing phase.

They do get a lot of floor time but would be nice to be able to do more house work or laptop work without worrying or constantly checking. The constant possibility of interaction while doing human things would be nice.

Rearranging the lounge would be the little tricky thing requiring thought. We've built them quite a decent cage:
At least if they are in the living room then you can keep an eye on them as you go about your daily business. That is a great cage you have built. Hope you've got a big living room for it :xd: Haha
We just have the two, in a 3.25 x 4.25 ish foot pen. We have room for them as fortunately we have a sizeable house but some of our friends can be loud at times, and I don't want to turn their cage into a performing circus for all who come round, especially if they are having narky or nap time.
If you are worried about visitors then could you not set up a play pen in your spare room with some fleece and pop the piggies in there whilst visitors are over? Just an idea.
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