To bath or not to bath?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Preston, Lancashire

My 2 year old lacey is a long haired piggy and she really needs a bath, she is only just been bonded with 2 other girls but I believe them to be around 4 months old. I don't know whether to wait another 2 months (even though she needs a bath) or to bath them all even though they are young.

I'm scared they will reject her if I change her smell. I have ordered some shampoo from GG which is on it's way and I have ordered the mini pig one which I could use on them all if need be?

I don't think she is top sow unfortunately as she has always been very submissive but she doesn't take much messing either but I have seen one of the newbies humping her (poor lacey lol)

Your opinions would be appreciated.
Maybe if you bathed them all and then lightly rubbed some hay over them all (once they're dry of course) and they'll all smell the same and like the cage.
Give them all a bath with the same shampoo. Commiserating is a great bonding experience!

That said, once they are bonded, it shouldn't matter too much!

Please make sure that they are all dry by the evening, even the ones that don't tolerate a gentle blow dryer.
Thanks guys. I'm not sure whether they are fully bonded or not they do squabble. Ruby in particular is very naughty she rumbles at the others and this morning there was teeth chattering at veggie time. I've never had a group of girls before so maybe that's what the dominate sow does?
How long have you had them together for?
They should be well enough bonded as a group by now, frankly. Your top sow is throwing her weight around somewhat by the sound of it, but she won't attack the other girl just because of a bath. Sows operate differently to boars in that respect.

Usually once a sow has been initially accepted and has found her place in the group hierarchy, even an absence of several days won't change her status, never mind a bath.
Thanks. Not sure why she's the top sow she's the smallest lol. Guineas never seem to surprise you
Nia was top sow of the Tribe for three years despite being one of the smallest. That is not at all rare; small piggies often make up for lack of size with a real personality punch! :)
She certainly has that lol. She hates me I've starting sitting quietly on a chair in my new Guinea pig room so they get more used to me and she sits there with such a funny face as if to say she doesn't trust me. All the others just go about their business but she watches me every minute. She is also a kicker shell kick me if I try to pick her up
Yes but we will get there eventually. She did take a piece of pepper out of my hand the other day. I've also started to just go and talk to her specially and then leave the room. I try and mix it up a bit so she doesn't always think I'm going to hassle her amd pick her up. hopefully she'll realise I mean nice food soon lol
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