Tips Please!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Aug 23, 2013
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Hi guys, I have a couple of questions and I'd love it if you could give me some tips on the following subjects!

So first, bedding. My pigs have a layer of newspaper and then wood shavings. I was thinking, for spot cleaning it would be much easier if there was no newspaper. Would it be OK to just have wood shavings and no paper?

And then we get to nail trims. Oh, the worst task in the world due to a few things - Chip is a wriggle pig who HATES nail trims, Pip is OK but skittish, and the fact I once cut too far on Chip and I was devastated. I am now scared do trim his nails and he really needs them doing. Have you awesome people got any tips for this? How to feel better about it, how to get it done (it's soooo tricky)?

Hi guys, I have a couple of questions and I'd love it if you could give me some tips on the following subjects!

So first, bedding. My pigs have a layer of newspaper and then wood shavings. I was thinking, for spot cleaning it would be much easier if there was no newspaper. Would it be OK to just have wood shavings and no paper?

And then we get to nail trims. Oh, the worst task in the world due to a few things - Chip is a wriggle pig who HATES nail trims, Pip is OK but skittish, and the fact I once cut too far on Chip and I was devastated. I am now scared do trim his nails and he really needs them doing. Have you awesome people got any tips for this? How to feel better about it, how to get it done (it's soooo tricky)?

Some people say that having newspaper underneath the bedding is pointless as it is not absorbable and leaves bedding wet. So I suppose you could have it without newspaper. It's personal choice really :)

For nail clipping, I get help from my mum. She holds the piggie with it's back to her chest, 1 hand under bum and 1 hand under front legs. This allows me to get to all 4 paws. I sometimes do have to give one of my girls veggies whilst I'm doing it to get her to sit still. I am really nervous about cutting the quick so whilst at their vet check up today, I got the vet to clip their nails. If you're really struggling you could just ask a vet :)
I think it is okay to just use shavings. Shavings are not the best and are rough and dusty. Maybe you could try Aubiose ( similar made of hemp ) or fitch ( I think it is a paper bedding ). Sorry if this is wrong !:)

For nail clipping my Dad holds the piggie on the floor or a table whilst I cut thier nails!:) Try asking someone to help you!:)
Hi guys, I have a couple of questions and I'd love it if you could give me some tips on the following subjects!

So first, bedding. My pigs have a layer of newspaper and then wood shavings. I was thinking, for spot cleaning it would be much easier if there was no newspaper. Would it be OK to just have wood shavings and no paper?

And then we get to nail trims. Oh, the worst task in the world due to a few things - Chip is a wriggle pig who HATES nail trims, Pip is OK but skittish, and the fact I once cut too far on Chip and I was devastated. I am now scared do trim his nails and he really needs them doing. Have you awesome people got any tips for this? How to feel better about it, how to get it done (it's soooo tricky)?


I like to wrap my pigs in a towel when I trim their nails- I can wrap them up and leave a foot out and safely trim it. It is definitely better with two people, but it can be done with one! I know how you feel about trimming nails- it's nerve wracking on small animals :( I accidentally clipped off one of my canaries' toes once- I felt so awful. He ended up being fine with some treatment and TLC, but make sure you use small clippers since I used large ones and didn't realize that I had his tiny toe (beside the one I was clipping) in the very side of the clippers :( Take your time and have someone hold the pig for you and you'll do fine! If it makes you more comfortable, you can trim off little bits more often rather than larger bits less often!
I used to use sawdust and newspaper, I switched to fleece but i always put a couple of puppy liners on top for the first day and on the second take off the liners so there's just fleece then clean out fully again the day after. Could you try just puppy liners?

I don't use sawdust anymore just hay for food and warmth. The easy thing about a puppy liner is you roll them up with the mess so its quicker, then I gather up the stray poops and wipe down the cage.

I also got hay sacks but my piggies like to use them as sleeping bags!

Good luck!

I'm noting the tips for clipping I havent tried that yet...

We also clip nails with 2 people. One of us hold the pig and the other one clips. One of my piggies is very nippy, so we sometimes need an oven glove if he starts biting..
I hold the pig up on my knee one hander under bum and one hand on their chest whilst sitting cross legged on the floor. My partner cuts their nails. We use the small animal nail scissors from P@H. Ours hate it too and are quite wriggly, we give veg/treats before and after and sometimes during if necessary! If my partner is unsure about how much to cut we rather just cut a little bit off and do them more often. It's safer and gives you peace of mind. We have cut a bit too far once or twice and you do feel awful but they soon get over it, bless them.

Also, look at getting puppy pads to put under your woodshavings because they absorb the urine. You can get them from pet stores or from B&M or Home Bargains or supermarkets etc.
I use fleece for bedding as both me and my piggies prefer it. With regards to nail clipping I have o ly done it the once, one piggy doesn't like it and kept wriggling and I caught the quick on one toe. The others just kind of sat there. I have read to do the front ones if you bribe with some veg and they have their feet on the cage top you can trim them as hey are occupied?! I have to admit I keep putting it off as I'm so scared of hurting them. And they mostly have dark nails making it even more difficult! Good luck when the time come
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