Tips on trimming nails that have only been trimmed like 2 or 3 times


Junior Guinea Pig
May 19, 2020
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So the piggies I took in not sure how many times their nails were actually trimmed. I actually had to help the family member do it, and I only helped once and they're 2ish years old. I managed to trim the tame ones front claws. I had her walk into a t shirt then picked her up and gave her little pieces of veggies for treats, then after each nail was cut I gave her another treat. But she was trying to "bite" me some she didnt like hurt me or even break the skin she was just scared since shes barely had it done. I'm usually the animal wrangler here so to speak lol but usually with big animals like horses i have experience cutting animals nails like dogs and even chickens and even hooves But i just want to make this not a scary thing for them since I'll have to do it every month. I noticed their claws were curled inward a bit some more than others so I just cut the tip off each nail and I'll trim more next week but any help on how to make it easier for the piggies would be great!:) the other piggy was really only held by me I think and I only held her a few times so shes the one that's going to be the hardest
Sometimes it helps to have someone else hold the piggie while you trim the nails. The t-shirt is a great idea!
I will try to have mom help me next time :) and it did work pretty well for the front claws mainly because their head and front legs stick out the sleeve lol thank you for replying :)))
It's a 2 person job in our house. One holds the pig to their chest facing outwards and the other does the cutting! It does get easier with practice...
I used the method shown in the video link in this thread: Guide to Cutting Guinea Pig Nails

I was able to do front and back nails by myself - although our are used to being handled I hadn't done nails before.

Marshmallow is really not a fan of nail trimming and was trying nip me as you described but we found that giving a long bit of parsley to nibble through worked well as a distraction (didn't stop the complaints, but did stop the nibbling!). Also wear long sleeves 😊
Nail cutting is a nightmare, depending on who you're doing it on. My dad gets the hard nibbles and always complains that they are biting. (They aren't)
I'm gonna try to get my mom to help me it's just hard because no one else in my family is that good at this stuff because I'm always the one thst does it lol and tbh I think the Guinea pigs kinda scare most because people are afraid of being bit lol so I'll probably just have mom to clip the nails
I'm gonna try to get my mom to help me it's just hard because no one else in my family is that good at this stuff because I'm always the one thst does it lol and tbh I think the Guinea pigs kinda scare most because people are afraid of being bit lol so I'll probably just have mom to clip the nails
My sister didn't realise that you can't cut the whole nail off. Good job I was in charge of the cutting.
Wow that would have been horrible!