Tips On Bathing "nervous" Piggies

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 16, 2016
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So Freyja has been bathed in the past and although she can be fidgety its not too big a deal.. BUT I really needed to bath Flynn. He'd not been bathed since we got him from the rescue and he smelled rather manly.

Now, Flynn gets upset whenever he is somewhere "new" without Freyja. So I hit upon this idea...

I dug out the old baby bath (the ikea kind with the rubber anti-slip grips in it as part of the design). Now I had kept this as it is wonderful for soaking filthy kids clothing without having to use the main bath..
Anyway I popped BOTH Freyja and Flynn into the baby bath (the high sides mean even the keenest Olympic high jump pig is going to have a hard time leaping that one!) I put a little bit of warm water in the bottom but not too much! Just enough to get feet wet as I knew it would get a bit deeper later.

I bathed Freyja first while Flynn watched her making sure to allow her to perch her front feet in one of my hands, the advantage to this is that Flynn was soaking his bum and feet walking about while I was doing this. I washed Freyja who was very calm and rinsed her off with a jug keeping an eye on the water level in their bath.

I then dried her while still in view of Flynn so he would not freak out too much. Once she was dry enough I returned her to the cage in the other room, drained some of the water out the baby bath and proceeded to bath and rinse Flynn.

They seemed much happier to be bathed together and as the weather is scorching hot there was no danger to Flynn having a wet underside for a few mins while Freyja was being lathered up and Flynn's smelly behind got a much needed soak!

So just a tip for a hot day with those who have pigs who get super nervous to be split...ikea baby bath ;)
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