Tips/hints/advice etc pls! Amusing my g.pig

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Jan 4, 2007
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Sadly I lost one of my two g.pigs last week - we all miss her greatly and are currently trying to keep her mate amused etc. They had been together for nearly 4.5 years and though atm he is ok, i am thinking long-term. Another g.pig is not an option right now.

He is inside and so gets alot of interaction from us all, but i was wondering if anyone had any tips for amusing him/keeping him stimulated etc. Just something to keep his mind working really other than just eating which is his favourite pastime!

Thanks for any help :)
(sorry if this is in the wrong board - not quite sure where to post it)
hello, sorry for your loss, lots of cuddles and playtime out of his cage will keep him amused..let him have a lap around your living room with tubes/toys etc

i always find that home-made toys are great such as rope that piggies can chew safely, and thread food onto it such as carrots, celery, brocolli, apple etc..i suppose its food but they have ro work more for it and it stimulates the brain, you can buy veggie twisters for hay/veggies mine loved those it keeps them occupied for ages getting hay out.

have a look at she has lots of toys on there which are all natural and at great prices.

good luck O0
Thanks for that ! I like the rope idea - will definitely try that! Thanks also for your kind words. He is getting loads of floor time, cuddles(sat with me right now!) and has a large indoor run but its the little extras such as the rope idea ! i really appreciate the help, thanks :)
Paper bags stuffed with hay, cereal boxes/kitchen roll tubes and other boxes stuffed with hay, are all good cheap fun :) Try different varieties of hay for him too.
So sorry for your loss :'( 0:) Try leaving a radio on low for him when you go out so he's got constant "company". ::)
Sorry to hear about your loss. I'd suggest splitting his veggie ration throughout the day and scattering around so he has to look for it, to keep him busy. You may already do that. He's a lucky guinea that you care so much and are so aware that he might be down.
Thanks guys for all the replies - i really do appreciate it. He is my special little guy and so far, he is doing well and keeping busy - he does have the radio on and loves it - he seems to particularly like coutry music as he was bopping and squeaking to the Country Music Awards on TV last night ! :o
A soft toy piggy or rabbit is a good idea but make sure it doesnt have any eyes or anything that it could choke o
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