Tips For Cutting Wriggly Diva Pig's Nails

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 27, 2016
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
So I have a piggy who's a bit of a princess. Food never comes quick enough resulting in chewed bars; She only likes cuddles on her terms (and on four paws in the cage) and she's very fickle with what food she will eat.

When it comes to cutting her nails she's a nightmare! All you have to do is touch her paws and she knows what's going on and squeaks whipping said paw away. I have fought against her previously but that ended up with her getting so worked up that when I let go she looked exhausted, and just sat there breathing heavily. I thought I'd given her a heart attack. It was AWFUL!

I don't want to do that to her again but neither do I want to cough up £20 for the vet to do it either. She just plain keeps struggling until I stop. I don't even get a chance to quickly clip between struggles.

Any advice?
I'm no expert at all on nails as I find it a very stressful task every time let alone the piggies !
are you alone or do you have help, I have just taught my daughter to try and occupy our two with a piece of card just by the side
of their head so they cant see what I'm doing and also to protect me from biting ... then she gives them lots
of their fav foods .... and I try not to lift their front paws too much but rest them on my knee and clip while they
are still resting on something a little , though a lot of the times they then move them and I miss ! I wonder if you could
get them used to being fed and just holding a foot lightly but for a few times don't actually clip, then they may get
a little used to the fact that sometimes they just get held and fed and no clipping ? once they get used to that they
maybe less stressed moving to the next stage
how are you with their back ones as they tend to be the easier ones to clip quick ?
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