Tips For Clipping Nails

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score

Oreo has the WORST nails ever. They are so tightly curled that it is a nightmare to clip them and I can't take him to the vets every other week to clip them. It is one of the only things that truly stresses him out, when the vets try and clip them. Therefore, I decided I might as well learn how to clip them and just be able to do 1 or 2 nails a day, when they get too bad to the limit stress and having to wait until they're bad enough for the vets.

What would be the best nail scissors/clippers to use? (links please?) What else would I need, on case I cut the quick (only happened once to my past piggie, Toffee)? I know there is some magical stuff to stop bleeding, but I don't know what it's called. Any other tips would be greatly appreciated.

I also know how to hold him, as I normally hold him when he goes in for his 'manicure' and 'pedicure'.

Thanks :)
I use a small pair of baby nail clippers and make sure I have flour on hand just in case I catch a quick. I generally hold mine with their back up to my stomach and their bum resting on my lap so all their nails are on top.
When I took my pair to the vet to get their nails clipped so they could show me how to do it the nurse said that if I cut to close to the quick and there's bleeding to put the nail in a block of soap. They just used a pair of clippers like this which I have seen most pet shops sell.

We use these clippers they are ace
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