Tipping up food bowls

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 29, 2012
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I'm about to give up giving my boys food bowls, I may as well just throw the food straight into their cage.
The second I place the food dish in the cage Frank grabs it, tips it up then slings it across his cage mallethead
Mine used to do this - one of their favourites was to throw it down the ramp then pee/poop all over it mallethead whilst they enjoyed their new sport titled 'food tipping' i was throwing food away like it was going out of fashion.....

I bought some bowls that screw to the cage bars to stop this:

screw on food bowls

In situations where the cage bars are too high to do this, invest in a nice heavy ceramic bowl ;)
My boys love throwing they're bowl around, and as with sodapops they throw it down the ramp, however they only do it when it's empty and they're demanding food so i guess I'm lucky !
OMG I had the SAME problem with my guinea pig. I got a heavier material. It doesn't chip or have problems and my guinea pig can stand with all her weight on the edge and it doesn't tip or move at all! ;)
My younger pair would do this so I got a heavy based bowl. It's too heavy for them to budge even an inch. I ruined their fun. :))

My elder two only do it when the bowl is empty and I haven't noticed. They fling it around to alert me.

This is the bowl I got them to stop. It's quite heavy. =)
I have a big ceramic bowl... it does get tipped occasionally, but only when they make a special effort to tip it! What mine do is try to drag the bowl to various points in the cage by the edge... it sometimes spills in the process. Sundae for some reason always wants to take the food dish with her!
I've always had the heavy ceramic bowls for their dry food. But Peanut Butter digs in there like a dog flinging out bits all over the cage with his front paws. Once I did catch him eating out of the bowl with the bowl in a totally vertical position. Could not believe what I was seeing. Rushed off for the camera and got back to see the bowl back down flat and PB with his head still in it nomming away.
I did think about getting some heavier ceramic bowls but I still dont think it would stop Frank drool
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