Tiny flies in c and c cage


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
There are tiny black flies in my piggies cage, hundreds of them . I keep wiping them away with wet cloth and cleaning cage out but I can't get rid of them. I can't see maggots, just loads of tiny flies . How can I get rid of them please, never had them before and iv had piggies for years. Thanks in advance
Is it possible they are unrelated to the guinea pigs? I have had a lot of tiny little flies in my guinea pig room for the last two weeks but I know it was because I left the windows open and the lights on one night by accident.
Could you post an image of them for identification. Try to make sure they are in good focus and under reasonably bright light as they will not be identifiable if they are just black spots.
Different species of fly are completely different, some are interested in the animals themselves, some just the faeces, some the damp hay, and others are entirely uninterested in the animals but just go to the warmest place they can find.

Here are some questions that could help with identifying them:
Do the flies fly around? Are they attracted to light? Do they cluster in certain areas of the cage? What bedding do you use? How often do you clean them out? Are they indoors or out? (If indoors; Do you have any windows open? Do you have any house plants or terrariums in the room/your house?)

Sorry for the list of questions, I am interested in invertebrates so may be able to tell whether they are harmful or not with a bit more information.
Is it possible they are unrelated to the guinea pigs? I have had a lot of tiny little flies in my guinea pig room for the last two weeks but I know it was because I left the windows open and the lights on one night by accident.
Could you post an image of them for identification. Try to make sure they are in good focus and under reasonably bright light as they will not be identifiable if they are just black spots.
Different species of fly are completely different, some are interested in the animals themselves, some just the faeces, some the damp hay, and others are entirely uninterested in the animals but just go to the warmest place they can find.

Here are some questions that could help with identifying them:
Do the flies fly around? Are they attracted to light? Do they cluster in certain areas of the cage? What bedding do you use? How often do you clean them out? Are they indoors or out? (If indoors; Do you have any windows open? Do you have any house plants or terrariums in the room/your house?)

Sorry for the list of questions, I am interested in invertebrates so may be able to tell whether they are harmful or not with a bit more information.
No plants in the house. Iv kept piggies inside for ten years or more and never seen these. They are tiny and jump and can fly. Most are in the piggies hides, they are not on pigs themselves. I use a thick absorbant mattress alternated with bath mats. Hay from hay box which iv checked is not affected nor are the pellets. Iv upped my cleaning out routine to daily so hoping this will help and iv ordered non smelling sticky fly traps from amazon due today, hoping all these extra measures will help. ? Thank u for any advise you can give me
No plants in the house. Iv kept piggies inside for ten years or more and never seen these. They are tiny and jump and can fly. Most are in the piggies hides, they are not on pigs themselves. I use a thick absorbant mattress alternated with bath mats. Hay from hay box which iv checked is not affected nor are the pellets. Iv upped my cleaning out routine to daily so hoping this will help and iv ordered non smelling sticky fly traps from amazon due today, hoping all these extra measures will help. ? Thank u for any advise you can give me
They too tiny to photo , sorry I tried but pic no good
It sounds like they are maybe more interested in the warm dry environment of the cage than anything else. That being said it’s still probably a good idea to get rid of them.
I can attach an image of the ones I have had around, they do match your description of jumping as well as flying and clustering in places.

The other likely flies are fungus gnats which move very fast, or drain flies which have a very specific body shape. (Short and compact with round black wings)


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Could they be fruit flies, had lots of them around in the past few months. Try apple cider vinegar in a container, cover with clingfilm but pierce a hole for them to get into, once in they can’t escape. Good luck 😉