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New Born Pup
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
United States
One of my piggies, a 6 year old (though she is very energetic and acts healthy), has been occasionally spitting up a cloudy white liquid after eating hay. It doesn’t happen very often since she tends to favor vegetables and pellets, but every once in a while she’ll start to favor her hay (timothy meadow hay) and the next morning her feet and bedding will be soaked with the liquid and she’ll start avoiding it again. It doesn’t happen very often at all so I haven’t taken her to the vet. Could she be allergic or does she just think it’s gross? I’ve tried other brands of timothy hay that she hasn’t had this reaction to but it might be because she hasn’t been eating it. I usually use Oxbow for my guinea pigs. Please help! I’m worried for her health since she’s been avoiding hay so much!
I would definitely have her checked by a vet.
Hay is the most important part of the diet so it is so important she eats it - whether it’s Timothy hay , meadow hay or any other grass hay.

I would also switch from the routine weekly weight checks and weigh her daily for a while so you can see if there is anything of concern going on with her weight
Could it possibly be saliva she’s producing rather than coughing up a liquid? Piggies with dental problems can excessively salivate trying to eat, and hay can be hard to eat and chew with teeth issues going on.
Definitely a good idea to get her vet checked (and her teeth looked at) as said above. Good luck and hope she’s ok :)